Chapter Twenty-Five

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They arrived at the party with her drawing eyes to them almost immediately. Her arm rested within Draco's as they walked up the steps and Draco listened to those around him. He heard much of what he thought. Women envied her and her dress... men well, they wanted her out of the dress pretty quick.

Hermione felt nearly naked. The dress was cut low on her back, and she didn't realize how sheer it would look in the lighting. They finally arrived at the dining room which was a relief because the low light darkened the gown. The silvery braided embroidery was like vines against the fabric, and luckily the dress was darker in her more private parts of her body.

Narcissa offered her up a beautiful diamond necklace to borrow, and it fit the dress nicely. They came with delicate earrings and brought together her whole outfit. She didn't realize how much they would be looked at. Draco leaned to her ear. "Granger, relax. You are absolutely breathtaking. I know that because everyone keeps talking about you."

She sat them down at one of the round tables, and he tugged her chair closer. "Draco, this looks too obvious," she breathed and wrapped an arm around her.

"Keep talking to me like that. It isn't as noticeable as you think," Draco snickered, and she glared over at him.

Hermione glanced around and started to see the groups forming. Many faces she only recognized as businessmen, but they seemed engaged. Draco's arm had snaked around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. "The group to the left of us is talking numbers," he whispered, and she gazed at them.

"Okay," she replied.

"They are about investments. Stiffs, with wives who are well past their prime and spoiled children." He declared quietly.

"What about the bunch in front of us?" she questioned, and he tilted his head a little.

"Strip clubs and risqué vacations in Thailand. I imagine Dolohov started that conversation," Draco murmured.

Hermione's cheeks bloomed, and she hemmed. "Well, I am glad they haven't approached us."

"The group to the right, they are the younger guns of the industry. They have been talking about you since we walked into the room," Draco whispered, and she moved closer to his ear.

"Have they said how jealous they are of you yet?" she breathed, her mouth barely an inch from him.

"If you keep looking like you are saying how much you want to shag me, they are going to speak more than envy," he reported with a wide grin. "Granger, I cannot see the text I just received on my phone. Pull it out for me?" he inquired, and she rolled her eyes.

Hermione knew what he was doing. Stupid pissing contests. She reached over his lap and pulled out his phone, reading the text. "It was Astoria asking what table you sat at."

"Tell her we are toward the front," he ordered, and Hermione texted her back.

She tucked his phone in his breast pocket. "I am sure you can pull it out next time from there, Malfoy," she teased and his fingers ran over her arm.

"Darling!" Astoria called out and practically skipped over with Fred.

"Hello, dearest, how are you doing?" Draco asked as she leaned over and kissed both his cheeks.

"Very well. I see your father warmed to let you come in his stead?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Flint and my sister are around here somewhere. It seems he did not want to face your cousin after what happened." Astoria turned to the woman, and her mouth fell open. "Hermione! I hardly recognized you! Come, stand up; let me see this gorgeous dress."

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