Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The work week was strenuous with the finality of the merger. Hermione was doing more tasks for Regulus than she ever saw Draco. By the time they would walk down to the car, she was too tired to talk much. Draco must have been in the same way, because he was equally quiet and conservative about their conversation. There wasn't much fooling around by the time they would climb into bed, Hermione didn't have the energy.

It was Friday evening, and Hermione was finishing with some financials when there was a knock at her door. "Come in," she ordered and was digging through the pages on her desk.

Regulus came inside and tilted his head. "What are you still doing working, Miss Granger?" he asked, making her huff.

"Well, I need to file a few more documents," she responded, and he waved at her as she sat down.

"Sit, we need to talk," he declared.

Hermione placed the pages down and sat in her chair. "What can I do for you, Mr. Black?"

Regulus made a face and tapped the desk a few times. "I received your email last night. Your personal email."

"Yes, what about it?" Hermione folded her legs together as she spoke.

"Well, I am going to New York for a month, and I was wondering if you would like to go? It would be great for you to learn the ropes of a take over as well as for our side project." He declared, and she arched an eyebrow.

"When?" she asked gently.

"Right after the wedding. We would return two weeks before Christmas."

Hermione frowned while rubbing her neck. "That is pretty quick."

Regulus chuckled, shaking his head. "No, that is just the first trip. We would make our final trip after the turn of the year when the merger is finalized at their factories." He responded.

"Sounds like you have it all planned out," she sighed.

"You realize I am not forcing you to do this? You still have the option to say no. The only time you cannot is when we start the routine." He replied, and she bobbed her head.

"No, I am just a bit nervous is all. It is a big commitment," Hermione said with a smile.

Regulus nodded and folded his fingers together. "Well, if anyone could do it, you can, Miss Granger. This will be our star project," he chuckled and sighed. "We can even name it a constellation if it makes it feel more real. My family does have a love for stars and constellations."

"Adhara I would assume would be fitting," Hermione mused, and Regulus grinned.

"I do like that. Yes. Project Adhara," he responded.

Hermione frowned and bobbed her head. "Well, I suppose I best tell Draco I will be leaving for a bit," she told him, and he tilted his head.

"How is my cousin treating you? He disclosed your relationship to me, but is he being too pushy?"

The woman laughed, swaying her head. "No, he is really gentlemanly. He has his mind set on things, but knows at heart I am too stubborn to let him rush me into anything." She announced.

Regulus scratched his facial hair and hummed. "I can understand that. We both have that similarity. We need to have a private dinner, you and I. We need to go over the plans for New York and take care of some paperwork. Visas, contracts and all the other busy work we need to get done before then." He mused before standing up.

"Alright, Regulus. Just let me know when," she declared rising from her chair as well.

"I will send you an email tonight with a good day. We have plenty of work to do legally before the business trip. Alright, have a grand weekend," he responded and moved toward the door.

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