Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hermione didn't cry as much as she thought once they were safe and in his room. In fact, it seemed like a nightmare he woke her up from. They rested in his bed, talking all night, which was a first for Hermione. She enjoyed his company more so than she thought she ever would. If someone told her six months ago that she would become a lover of Draco Malfoy's, she would have considered the person loony.

It was in the morning that the soreness peaked. God, was she so sore. "Draco, I don't want to move today," she sighed as she surfaced from sleep.

"Unfortunately, Granger, we have to," he grumbled as his lips kissed her hair.

Her phone rang, and she groaned as she reached for it on the nightstand over Draco. "I am alive, don't scream," Hermione declared as she saw Ginny's name.

"What the bloody fuck, Hermione! My brother found out before me that you are shagging your boss!" Ginny thundered, and Hermione moaned.

"Gin, I said don't scream. I wasn't expecting to see him last night," Hermione murmured, and Draco made a dumb face.

"Good morning, Ginevra," Draco declared, only making Ginny gasp.

"Incredible, you stayed in his bed? All this has happened, and you didn't even tell me!" Ginny growled, and Harry's laugh was heard from the other end.

"Put Harry on the phone," Hermione ordered.

"But Herm-" Hermione interrupted her with a sound of distaste.

"Put your husband on the phone," she repeated, and Ginny groaned.

"Here!" she snapped, and the phone made shuffling sounds.

"Your lovely bestest mate in the entire world," Harry snickered, and Hermione sighed.

"Please calm your wife down. I know what you did last Sunday, and I have it under great certainty that you gave him the approval. We are going to dinner, but we will meet you at your house, so she can get it out of her system before we go to the Burrow. Please do this for me?" She asked gently, and Harry exhaled.

"Alright, but I expect to give Malfoy the whole, I know where my shotgun is kept at all times speech. Just like Sirius would do to scare your would-be boyfriends, Ron included. I don't care if he's your boss," Harry replied, and Hermione smiled.

"Thank you. Now put your wife back on," Hermione ordered, and Harry sounded agreement before the phone sounded.

"Hermione! What are you even thinking?" Ginny snarled, and Hermione sighed.

"Gin, I will let you completely pick my brain when we meet you at your house before dinner. I will bring Malfoy so that Harry can attempt scaring the wits out of him and we can go over the intimate details of the last forty-eight hours of my life."

"Okay, I expect you to be one hundred percent honest and not modest about the juicy details... he can't see so he must be... different," Ginny settled on, and Draco snorted.

"Good, that settles that. I will see you at one," Hermione muttered.

Ginny paused, and Hermione could hear her mumbling to Harry. "You think one is alright, husband?" she asked, and Harry made a sound of agreement. "Okay, one o'clock, Hermione. I love you."

Hermione grinned. "I love you too, Gin. See you then." The phone disconnected, and Draco grunted.

"Your family is always this crazy?" he asked, and she nodded.

Hermione climbed over him, setting her phone aside. "Yes, they are absolutely insane. Are you sure you can handle that?" she asked, and he reached for her cheek.

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