Chapter Thirty-Two

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Tuesday came quick enough for Hermione as she swiftly packed up her desk. The storm was moving quicker than anticipated and going to hit at any time, so they had to get out the door. She tossed her back around her shoulder and went turned off the lights. Moving into the hallway, she checked her watch, which only read three minutes after the hour.

"Come on, Granger, we need to go," Draco's voice declared gruffly.

"Oh, damnit, Draco! You made my heart pop out of my chest!" she growled and clutched her jacket.

"Let's go, I don't want to get stuck," he murmured, and she could sense a bit of fear in his voice.

Taking his arm, they hurried off toward the elevator. "We are picking up Teddy at Harry's a bit out of town. I packed the car this morning," she declared, but her voice was shaky.

"What's wrong?" he asked as the elevator jerked.

"If we aren't careful we could get stuck out there. It is about fifteen minutes from your home," Hermione gulped and shook her body as the elevator opened.

"Well, calm down, we don't want to run a ditch either," Draco reminded her, and she sighed.

"I am going to need a hot bath," Hermione breathed and he stopped them at the door.

"What is wrong? You have been off all day," Draco declared and rubbed his hand over her arm.

Hermione exhaled and rolled her neck. "I just am stressed. I haven't finished shopping for Christmas next week. I am-" he stopped her with a small shake.

"No, I mean what's wrong with you?"

She shuddered and huffed. "I am not sleeping. I am too anxious. These hormones are twisting me sideways. They gave them to me because I was imbalanced, and the odds were lower for my body to take the embryo. The doctor told me to expect this for about a month," Hermione finished.

The man ran his hand up her shoulder and touched her flushed face. "Let's get you out of here and relaxed once we are done, alright. Maybe some chocolate too," he murmured, and he felt her shiver at his touch before pulling away.

They went outside, and Hermione trembled in his grasp as got to the car. She had gotten out to the road before she turned on the radio on low. It was soft, and Draco could sense her frustration.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes," she huffed and cleared her throat. "I would be lying if I don't confess I am tense."

Draco bit down on a laugh. "Are you saying you are randy, Granger?" he asked.

Hermione groaned. "Yes," she hissed and snorted. "Ginny warned me, but I didn't believe her until Macmillian made a pass at me today and I caught myself fantasizing..." she sighed and huffed.

Draco rolled in laughter. "Oh, Granger, you poor thing. I would let you tie me up and take me if we weren't driving," he teased and heard her swallow.

"No, I think not, Malfoy. Been there done that, remember?" she asked with a snarky tone.

He smirked and reached over, rubbing her thigh, "I do very well," he stopped and pulled away. "But I won't do anything until you beg for it," he said playfully.

Hermione grew quiet, and Draco exhaled. "I am sorry. I was enjoying the banter." He voiced as he realized how that sounded.

"Don't apologize; it was nice. I am just focusing on the road. They are not as paved in my new neighborhood," Hermione said with a warmness in her tone.

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