Chapter Twelve

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Hermione was tiptoeing down the stairs and aside from the housekeepers buffing out the tiles on the ground floor, it didn't seem like anyone else was awake. She had left Draco's t-shirt on the bed before exiting her room. She debated on a note but thought better of it. She was relieved she was almost scot-free with leaving unheard. At least until she got to the front door and a soft voice cleared their throat.

"Hermione, what are you doing here?" Narcissa asked, making Hermione pivot toward her.

Narcissa stared at her with wonder as the woman gulped. "Well, Draco and Astoria met me at a restaurant last night because he wanted to confront me about my lies. When Astoria got sick, I offered to drive him home. He told me it was too late for me to leave, so I stayed in one of the guest rooms," she said swiftly, and the matron slanted her head.

"Well, that was nice of you, Hermione," she responded. "Did you want breakfast?"

Hermione shook her head rapidly. "Nope! Just going to go pick up my son. We have to go shopping today. Thank you, have a great day, Mrs. Malfoy!" She exclaimed in a shrill, panicked fashion before bolting outside.

A thud greeted the silence, and he could hear his mother hemming. "Son, what did you do to that poor girl?"

"That's the funny part, mother. I didn't do anything to her. That neurotic alarm is all self-induced," he told her as he got to the ground floor.

"She is going to ask Regulus for a transfer if you don't fix this," Narcissa mused, and Draco made a sound of disagreement.

"I will make sure she doesn't, not to worry. Are the appointments set up today?" He asked as he approached where her voice was coming from.

"All but the tailor. He said he doesn't want to do your suit until Miss Greengrass chooses her dress," Narcissa declared, and he heard hesitance.


"Draco, why are you rushing this?" she asked gently and he reached for her.

His hand rested on her shoulder, and he squeezed. "Don't you trust me, mother?"

"Draco, I just am not certain this is the way to go about it," she murmured and he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Trust, mother. I know exactly what I am doing," he replied and felt around for a landmark. "I need a new cane. I broke my nicer one last night." He declared.

"How did you do that?" his mother asked from behind him.

He was walking toward the dining room; he could hear the change in tiles. "She pissed me off for walking away from me again." He responded, and that ended the conversations as they started the day.


Hermione was lounging in the warm sun with a petite tank top and shorts. Ginny was laying with her in a swimsuit as the boys played in the pond. The curly-haired woman was closing her eyes under her sunglasses and enjoying the heat beating on her skin.

"So, let me get this straight," Ginny said after an extended period.

"He meets you at the restaurant with his fiancé. Scares off Zabini. Let's his pregnant betrothal leave the restaurant and decides to blindfold you and feed you dinner?" Ginny mused, and Hermione sounded agreement.

"It was quite strange," she replied, and Ginny grunted.

"You went on a date with Draco Malfoy."

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