Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hermione was sipping her tea and reading the newspaper while Draco was speaking of inconsequential matters with his mother. Different workers were coming to examine the grounds for the wedding. Possible themes Astoria had talked about. Hermione paid little attention, for they were not matters that concerned her.

Well, at least until Narcissa hemmed and Draco lounged in his chair. Hermione stayed her eyes to the paper but listened; she knew that posture of Draco's well. "Darling, I just want you to be happy," she told him, and he exhaled.

"I am happy, mother. I don't want to switch wings, and I don't want you to leave. Please stop talking like that," he murmured, and Hermione glanced up at them.

"Narcissa, why would you leave?" Hermione questioned.

"My mother is worried she is going to make me look weak since I am still living with my mother." He stated and waved the other Malfoy off. "Which I told her is ridiculous. You love and respect her deeply."

Hermione's brow furrowed. "Why would that matter to me? You both had been through a tragedy and Draco would have long since withered away if he lived alone. That would be quite judgmental of me considering I want my son to live with me until he tires of me." Hermione finished with a playful smile, and Narcissa sighed.

"I just don't want to intrude on your relationship," Narcissa declared.

Hermione blushed profoundly and waved her hands. "Oh! We haven't really talked-" she couldn't continue because Draco leaned over and kissed her.

It was assertive but polite. "You are babbling, Granger," he whispered when they parted, he tugged a curl of hers.

Narcissa bit down on a smile and clapped. "This is just fantastic. I was hoping that you two would end up trying."

"Just be glad we don't live back in the day when we couldn't shag until marriage. I would have never gotten you to agree to even look at me," he snickered, and Hermione turned the color of plums.

"Draco Malfoy, your mother, is in the room," she spat, smacking his arm.

Narcissa ignored the last few comments and sipped her tea. "Regulus is going to be tickled that it finally happened. I do hope you intend on making this a real relationship." She murmured, and Hermione cleared her throat.

"Well, I suppose. However, we work together, that might pose an issue." Hermione declared as Draco's hand coiled around her shoulder.

Narcissa waved her hand and scoffed. "Severus has been Regulus's assistant for the last eight years, and they work well together. No one even notes their relationship at work until you see the pictures of them in different vacation spots on Regulus's desk." She finished with a nod.

Hermione's brows knitted. "Was everyone waiting for this?"

Narcissa laughed as Draco tugged her. "Well, yes, actually. My son is a bit clueless, and you were very open about your feelings; at least to a trained observer. It was all about time."

Hermione exhaled and rose from her chair. "I am going to get ready for the running around today. Thank you for the informative conversation, Narcissa." She said with a smile.

"Of course," the matron declared and Draco heard Hermione's footfalls fade down the hallway.

"Mother, don't get too excited, you might scare her," Draco warned.

He heard her shift in her chair. "Darling, stop being so timid. She isn't going anywhere. That girl is well on her way to being in love with you," Narcissa declared.

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