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It's Saturday and today i would usually be escaping to town with my friends, being at home with my parents at the weekends can be hell. We fight about everything and its more difficult to do whatever you want. Dad just backs up Mum so its 2 vs 1 and it never ends well. When he's not backing up Mum he's fighting his own battle with me. Anyways all my friends are busy so i have volunteered to walk down to the shop and get the food shop or the few bits i made excuses for us needing. We don't need it but needed to go on a walk and i wanted to escape the house before Mum got up. Also I've been helpful so it gives me a excuse to do something alone all day.

Whilst walking to the shops i have Gaga playing in my ears, disco heaven. I never go anywhere without music especially Gaga. I honesty cant wait for the next album, which should be soon. Where has she disappeared to? It seems like a unusually long time for a artist like her. Non of us have really heard anything recently either which is weird. I walk looking at the floor for awhile in a loss of thoughts. I end up bumping into someone. I look up and to see Lady Gaga looking at me with a concerned face. I am more than shocked but i apologise because I'm British so that is always the protocol. She continues to look kind of worried even though she doesn't even know who i am, i think she is one of those people that can see though all lies. I look fine I know that, because I've had a lot of practice, and yet she still looks worried.

"Its fine honestly don't worry about it. Are you ok?" she replies with the kindest voice. I don't know what to say. Should i tell her the truth and say I'm not fine or shall i not bother her?

"Erm yes i am fine thanks, also thank you so much for everything you for us Little Monsters i love you" i decide to say back. She will be used to the love and thanks so i try not to think about how cringy it is.

"Aww i love you too, thank you so much for supporting me. Something tells me you are not really very fine. Where are you off to? You won't mind if i come with you will you? " she says back. I love how she is always kind even though she will have better things to be doing.

There is about a half a mile walk left to walk and i do warn her so. She's prepared to do something as small as some shopping with a fan and thats all anyone should ever need to prove she's a very real human. We talk about all the normal things that you might talk about when you are just meeting someone. It strikes me that she is only just the same hight as me. I think her bold personality must make up for the hight difference, well that and the 6 inch heels that seem attached to her feet all the time when she's in public. Unfortunatly in reality half a mile does not take long to walk so shallow converstaion is held. Time passes so quickly when you're not wishing it away. We are in the main part of the city before I've even noticed. Thses place seems like second nature to me but i can already see that Gaga is watching out for cars all the time as all the roads are swapped round and it must be really hard to adjust to.

"You know what why don't i take you to a café before you do your shopping because i bet whoever needs the food does not need it imediatly at 8 am in the morning. You must be procrassinating or avoiding something." she says smiling at being able to find out what I'm doing wihtout being told.

"Honestly that sounds great but are you sure you really want to spend time with me of all people?" i say back.

"Of course i do, i like you and i don't know why yet."

And its as simple as that. We need to try and find somewhere to get a coffee.

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