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"Dinner is ready." calls Cynthia from the kitchen.

We all start to go though to the dinning room. Joanne and I are last. She squeezes my hand and then whispers in my ear. 'I think i will tell them during dinner. In this house we stay at the table for a extremely long time. Dinners are a real big thing.' She informs me. After we have eaten the main meal, which i did not struggle too much to eat. I didn't eat as much as everyone else and Joanne looked at me, in her way, at this. I just put it down to being smaller than everyone else though. Joanne has her hand on my knee the whole time. I think it was more for her than me. She has adopted the baby she gave up from her past. The baby the whole family decided to let go and forget. That had so be hard. So now its back she needs the support. She nods at me after all the plates have been taken to the kitchen.

"So i have something to tell you all." starts Stefani. At the table no distractions were allowed so everyone was listening. She picks up the napkin ring and starts to fiddle with it. She was telling this story for the second time today bless her. I squeeze her knee and she carries on. "When Millie was in hospital she had to have a DNA test for all these different reasons. I wanted to see how close we were in DNA and the tests came back and they came back the same. Which of course means Millie and i are related. And by coincidence Millie is the baby i had to give up when i was 18." she says in and rush making it a small explanation. A single tear rolls down her cheek. I put my arm around her and she collapses into me. Not crying just not wanting to look at everyone else. I rock her slightly like a baby. After a silent couple minutes her she looks up while still hugging me. I suddenly realise how this affected them as a family. She looks at her parents. But they are not the ones that speak first.

"Oh my goodness. Stef all those nights we spent over this. And now at the end of it all Ocean is back in the same place she started." Natali looks shocked but happy. Happy that her sister had got the baby that she was not sure she wanted she give up back with her.

"I know right Nat. Its a small world." Joanne says. She looks to her parents again. Her Dad speaks first.

"Well you were not ready for Millie then but you are now. Its just strange to think that we are Millie's grandparents and we never got to see her grow up. We missed a lot." says her Dad with nostalgia. I can fell Joanne tense up. Her Dad didn't mean it but this was a selfish comment. She is about to snap.

"Yes well as bad as that must be i never got to see my daughter grow up." Joanne practically spits. She has snapped. She gets up and walks away from the table. Not quite what was planned.

"Joseph you didn't really think that one though did you? Stefani did not get a abortion because we did not agree with it. She respected that. She had her daughter and then gave her up. That broke her heart. She's kept track of Ocean's birthdays though out the years. She always ate cake on July 25th. It was always the hardest day of the year. Her heart mended but not fully. Come on think please." Cynthia explains to Jo's Dad. 

"I will apologise to her when she comes back. She just stormed off though." he reflects but still is bitter about Stefani leaving the table.

"I am going to go and find her. She will be in the garden right? Its been a emotional day. This is the second time she had to recount and remember what she taught herself to forget. She was nervous as to what you would say too." i say to the 3 left at the table.

"Thank you Millie. You really do have a good heart to understand all this at 14." says her Mum with sympathy. Sympathy is not something i am found of but i let it drop.

"My life has not been simple. You learn to understand and accept a lot of things." i reply.

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