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And back in the car we get. This time with Joanne driving and me in the passenger seat. She seems to be known for her reckless driving among her friends as she informs me she won't crash while speeding. We spend the whole journey nearly cry laughing at the differences between America and England. Both trying to convert the other to there way of thinking. Who says Jello?

When we arrive at the studio i literally freeze up and really don't want to get out of the car. It looks daunting. Many blocks with large windows let me see rooms full of foam walls and big mics. Joanne gets out of the car and looks back in at me not moving. She knows what is up straight away. She must have such a way of seeing how other people are feeling it's crazy.

"Come Mills. I promise you there is nothing to be scared of. No one is here yet look no other cars. And trust me they all have to come in a car. Too lazy to walk." She trys to joke. "I'll show you everything and everyone. Lets go look round before we go in to where we're recording." she says talking my hand.

I let her lead me in. It is a really nice studio, i don't know if they are all like this or what but if so no wonder artists like being in the studio. We look round and then Joanne leads me to the studio area she is and still will beworking in today. I say area because it was all in different areas and had different rooms in each area. A bit like a school is set out in departments if that is how your school is laid out. There was a room for writing with soft sofas or couches as Joanne calls them. Then there is a recording room. Another door leads off this main recording room to the producing room. You can see into this though a piece of sound proof glass. There is another room with a load of speakers for developing etc. too. So a fare few rooms for working in.

"What are we doing first then? Do you want me to teach you what i know about production first so you know what you are doing when Mark comes." says Joanne siting down in front of all the dials and buttons, she spins around on the chair smiling.

"Yeah that sounds good. I don't want to mess it up. I feel so out of place i am not professional at this like the rest of you." i say back nervous and letting it show for a change.

"And you think I had any training at this before i was professional? No way. You know professional only means you get paid for it. I love how you trusted me to bring you here and even though it was something you had never done before. Don't worry about messing it up. We save it at every stop so it won't ever be lost anyway. And going to be honest we all muck up and its not how i want it to sound. You will be fine. I have a feeling you know a lot about this. Do you make video edits or remixes to put on Instagram?"

"Yeah i do make remixes and isolated vocals. I love doing them. Just messing around and getting an out come is enough to make it worth the time." i reply.

"You all ready probably know lots then because the software is simple. Well it has to be for some of the artists i know to use it." Shady.

We sit down and look at the software that is used. She was right it is pretty simple and i know how to use the most of it. All the sliders and buttons on the control panel confuse me more. I get used to the software and the little differences and then we do more on to the panel thingy. Joanne only knows how to use a quarter of it as it is extremely large. After i have learnt what this part of it does Joanne goes into the studio and leaves me. I can still hear her and the mic that lets me talk to her though the glass is easy as to use. She records some vocals. (yes that's right i actually learnt how to record stuff too, its not as simple as you think as you have to operate it all from here. All she has to do is press the record on the mic in there and the rest is on me to do.) They were stunning but they needed a melody to go with them. That was going to be left for when everyone else arrived. By everyone else i mean Mark and 2 others on the team. As we have time we decided to record me and her singing a cover of 'When we were young' by Adele as a duet. Mark, Justin and Tobias walked in just as i was hitting the high note. I didn't notice Joanne did and started doing jazz hands.

writers note: I don't really know who worked with Gaga on Joanne as this is the album that is being worked on here. Sorry if i get names wrong and include people that did not actually help. Its fiction mixed with facts.

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