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I unlock Joanne's phone with my finger from when she added it so I could take photos for her awhile ago. I go onto her recently called and find Florence below her Mum. I take it the recently called are the people that need ringing the most.

*ring ring*

"Hello. Steff are you ok? Is Millie ok? Is she awake yet and please tell me you have eaten something today and slept and showered." says Florence in a rush of words. Her worrying making me smile but making me feel bad all at the same time. Classic Florence.

"Florence its Millie I'm awake slow down, don't worry." i start (i seem to be telling everyone not to worry but they have full right to, i need to realise i am a bit of a mess and a lot of a nightmare.) but Flo has already interrupted.

"Oh god thank goodness you're ok. I've been worrying like crazy Isa hasn't been able to distract me enough. Mark showing off was bad enough but you going and breaking you're leg was worst. Although a lot less annoying." Some how I can hear her smiling though the phone.

"Yeah well now it's a question of whether or not it was worth it. God, my life is a mess." I laugh at how stupid I can be. "But the sense of falling was so strange and yet needed. And then i woke up and did not know when or where i was, that was also pretty strange and disorientating." i say with a smile she cant see over the phone but happiness she will be able to hear in my voice.

"Yes I'm sure Millie but when i talk about being as high as hope i don't mean it literally. Well I meant with drugs but don't go trying that either. I don't mean it literally either when i talk about falling. I fell out of cars, bar, very small trees but not meters above earth. You took that song way too far dear." she says with a quiet giggle.

"Well I was taking the mick with the song references but you know, sometimes things are better literally." is say back. "I'm getting better now but Joanne is pretty ruined. She has not slept for the last 3 days nor has she eaten anything at all. All she did was sit with me and shower. I feel so bad. I only climbed the tree because i always have to prove people wrong." i say confessing.

"Millie I'll be honest she was worried sick. In fact she was sick a few times. I managed to get her away from the hospital to mine on the first evening and she was sick simply with worry. She stayed for 2 hours and then we came back and sat with you. She was half worried and half hopeful that you might wake up whilst she was gone. But she couldn't leave in case you woke up while she was not there. You have no idea how much she loves you." Florence says "Oh and don't tell her you know she was sick i am not supposed to tell you because she does not want you to be worried about her. Where is she now and what is she doing?"

"I am already worried about her but i am sure she will be fine she just needs looking after for a few days. We are currently in bed together and she has fallen asleep on me" i say back "I have a list of things to do whilst she is asleep and then i will go too. She has eaten lunch as well."

"Good asleep is the best place for her. She would be so mad you know if she found out how we are treating her like a little baby."

"I know she would but she needs it right now. I don't see Joanne as just my Mum, I see her as my sister and my friend. This is the best friend part speaking. I can look after 2 people at once i have been doing it for awhile now."

"Millie try not to break my heart dear. You know you need someone to look after you. We are all here to look after you now and i say we as a industry. Everyone is so exited to meet you. There were so many texting on Linked in, it was funny actully. Joanne is such a independent women but everyone needs someone no matter how independent they are." Florence speaks wisely

"I am not trying to break your heart. That's just how it went. But oh well, now things will change. I don't know about the rest of the industry. I know they're all just human but it's still a lot of talent. Me being shy does not help either. Thank you for that at the very least and thank you for being worried about me. I will try not to do anything stupid anytime soon." i confirm.

"Ok well I'm no one to ban it but maybe don't knock yourself out again or anything silly like that."

"I won't i promise. See you soon."

"See you soon. Look after Joanne for me i wont see you till you get back from America." she informs me.

I have more confidence to call everyone else after just a short conversation like that. Now the question was Beyoncé or Donatella. Why are there such big names on this list? I settle for whoever is first on the call log.

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