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Joanne and i leave and head to the studio. Their is no paparazzi, thank god, but we do come across a not so happy 'fan'.

"Oi Gaga?" he yells. Gaga ignores his rudeness. So he runs up and taps her on the shoulder. "Gaga! I can't belive what you did to Millie. You were 17 and stupidly let yourself get pregant and then thought your career was bigger than a child and let her go. This is another freaking human being. You don't throw them around like colaterol damage." he expresses disgusted. Gaga looks shocked and horrified. In her eyes she also looks broken, she thinks he's telling the truth. Or the brokenness that has always been there is showing. I think only i can see this because the man keeps acting like she is iron woman or something. Why do all men thing 'iron women' are a real thing? I step in because i am used to this from school.

"Ermmm excuse me whoever you think you are, if i felt like i was 'collateral damage' then i would not be here stood next to Gaga. And lets face it Gaga's career is bigger than many things, that includes you. Everyone is fun and stupid at 17 but that is life. And you know what, i am happy that Gaga lived it that way. Don't act like you are Mr Perfect because just by the way you walked over here and were extremely rude you are not. Go and buy i new heart or just a heart in general. Looks there is a shop for them over there!" i say and point to a random shop.

"You know what. I'm sorry that she has brain washed you to think that she cares but she really doesn't dear. You are just her look good case. I really did used to be a little monster but the fog has cleared now. Have a good sad sorry life." he says.

I then curse at him a lot and wish him a life in the sadness of his dark soul.

Joanne and i don't say anything till we get to the studio. Mark is there and she says hello. He starts to talk about what needs to be done for the album and stuff. He tells me what i can do an how he is going to teach me more. This is when Joanne comes to me for a hug. I hug her and she just starts to sob on my shoulder. I just hold her there. I am so glad she is not tall or heavy because i would not be able to hold her up. She is so upset. That man had no idea.

"Jo, you know i do not care in any way what that man said. He probably only has enough brain cells to hate. I love you and look what has come from everything." i try and comfort her with my words. How on earth can people be so one minded? It's not even his life and just because Gaga is famous he thinks it is his choice. I feel her pain. Those words cut me too. Joanne is still sobbing on my shoulder.

"Right Miss Germanotta, i am charging you with the offence of listening to silly people with no real love in them." i lift her off my shoulder and pull her hands together around the front. With my spare hands i wipe away the tears and kiss her. "Now you better have some wet wipes in that bag of yours because we seem to have black running down your face, again." She puts her forehead to mine and leaves it there for a bit.

Joanne goes to the bathroom to wash her face. I explain to Mark what had happened. He is horrified as he classes Gaga as a friend way more than just some pop star. Joanne comes back in and Mark tells her not to take rubbish. She leans on my shoulder whilst we all work on less of a electric song. Although Mark keeps messing with it and adding things were they are not supposed to be. Gaga wanted it striped back but Mark keeps adding things. Her vocals are stunning on the last chorus of 'hear my sinners prayer'. Mark has of course forgotten about the events earlier. Men can be great but can find it hard to hear emotions. He gets three beers from the fridge and throws his hands up.

"I'll drink to that master piece!" he says and gives me and Joanne a beer each. He then pulls a lighter from his pocket and takes out a cigarette. There is a new rule in the studio that there is not smoking inside as Joanne has given up. He throws this out of the window. I normally love Mark but today he is being a jerk. Joanne gives her beer to me and i put them both on the side. She buries her head in my shoulder. What that man said to her really got in. Mark is being a big dush still.

"Mark i will first kindly ask you to leave for a while until you come back in with a better head on. This morning was not pleasant for anyone. I have already had to school a man on how to be kind today. Now you are being inconsiderate. No smoking in the studio is still a rule and as for the alcohol, i am 14 and i swear Joanne probably still has a head ache from last night. And for the song, that is supposed to be striped back, it does not need a lot of messing up as stuff that you put on it. So go out and then maybe you will have readjusted your head. Thank you." i finish. Mark looks taken aback. Of course he is not used to 14 year olds girls speaking their minds to him. He can see the fire in my eyes and decides to take his cigarette outside. Glaring at me as he goes.

"Ok we better take this back to the earlier version. It sounded better when it was not so busy. That's how you wanted it anyway right?" Its quite hard to work when Joanne is so meek at the moment. She is just leaning on my shoulder. I can feel her nod so i go started on getting it back to how it was. I have just about finished putting it back to its original state when Paul Epworth comes into the studio.

"Ok, so why the hell is Mark stood outside doing nothing? I thought you were all supposed to be working together." Brain, who has just walked in, asks. Joanne perks up and answers.

"Well Mark was being a bit of a idiot. We had already had a bad morning and he knew it. Then he decided to mess with the song. Also drinking at 10 in the morning. Oh yeah and smoking inside. I was feeling bad so Millie decided to be bad ass and throw him out." she says with a smile. "She has known what to do with men twice today when i have not."

"Oh my that's so funny. I've never had anyone do that. Why happened this morning?" he asks. Joanne then explains what happened. "Ok well i am going to let him back in with a warning." We then all move onto new music. By lunch the work is done and Joanne and i realise that we are flying home in 2 days.

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