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I wake up before my alarm and spend some time with my thoughts, a reoccurring pattern for the week. I can't move much for fear of waking Joanne. She's still asleep with her arms around me. I kind of of feel sorry for her because she was used to getting up so much later than school time and now she's awake same times as me. Even though I've told her I can let myself out in the mornings, she wants to cheak I've eaten breakfast I think.

Insead, of getting up early and being organised, I open my Instagram and see what's happened on there over the past few days . I haven't been on since Gaga posted, i haven't even see what Joanne's put up. I go on to find 800, 900k followers. Also a lot of really positive comments on the only post i put up of Gaga and I. It had the caption of 'i think it might be different form of love...'. Gaga had posted a really cute photo of us. It was from when we were putting up the stuff for my room. I think Kev took it because its when she came and scooped me up in her arms and was twirling me round to the music. I didn't even know that it existed we both looked so happy and so oblivious to the camera. The caption to hers was a explanation reading, 'Hello Little Monsters and well the rest of Instagram. This is me and Millie. Millie is, well, now my daughter. Not biologically, but in every other way. We met not long ago now but we decided it would be best if i adopted her so here we are putting up flat pack furniture in her room. Millie is a little monster too, that's how she managed to notice me with out any makeup on after she bumped into me. This is not what i have been doing for the last few months before any of the press try and make up reasoning like that. I think you will be see more of Millie and I on our Instagram's so watch out. Millie is at @millieblue . Love as always Mother Monster xoxo.' Pretty good explanation. A lot of celebrities had left surprised and happy comments on the photo. Many saying they are looking forward to meeting me at the next awards show. There was a few not so nice comments and a few from Little Monster accounts saying that they hopped i didn't get in the way of the new album. This disappointed me because i always saw the little monsters as the most kind and companionate bunch of people because that's how mother monster raised us.

This is when it hit that i am not going to be in school for awhile and not going to be in the country. Also probably not leading a normal life for awhile as well. I was fine with this realisation, i would have to get used to meeting famous people though. Even Donatella Versace had said she wanted to meet me, ekkk...

Later that day, after school

I could see Joanne as soon as i came out of the school gates. It was parents evening that night so we had times straight after school. After parents evening was done the studio was awaiting. She was dressed in 3/4 trousers or as she said pants, its all these American words. (I swear i can speak two languages because i always have to translate from American to English.) A old style Metallica tee shirt tucked in and her hair up in a messy bun. I was still June but the English weather was so variable that it was too cold for shorts but sunny enough for sun glasses so they were partnering her outfit. They were a normal wide pair but they had a line straight down the middle of them that moved one half of the lens on each side down. Like a piece of abstract art.  We greeted each other as normal with a hug and a catch up on each others days. Isa and her Mum, Natalie, were stood next to us. Joanne started to talk to Natalie. Nat had had Isa quite early in her life so she was a similar age to Joanne. As this was happening the group of girls who normally bullied me walked by.

"Oh look at little Millie had to be adopted because her Mum dumped her. Wait till Gaga realises your trash too darling, then you will be on your own again." One of them says practically spitting at me.

"Oh look at little Abby. I bet your Mum wants to dump you too but she can't because no one will take in anyone as nasty as you." I reply back. This is probably not helpful but she deserves it.

Joanne and Nat laugh, Isa nudges me and tells me that i always say not to be nasty to people, and that i should eat my own words. Although she says it in a proud way. The group of girls that are nasty snarl. They really do remind me of female dogs. If only they could look up and see how its not bothering me and that they are wasting the worlds oxygen. If they are picking on me they cant be picking on anyone else. That is what i think about because I don't care so as long as they are not saying it to someone who does care its fine.

to be continued to make sure the chapter is not too long xx

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