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We all spill out if school laughing and giggling. We always have a good laugh at school and we all normally enjoy it. We have all our lessons together and spend lunch as together as well. Normally the walk home from for school is the last thing of the day to enjoy before I get home but today it's far from it.

We get to the car and all pile in. I'm in the front and the others in the back. We are all still laughing at god knows what now. Probably each others laughs.

"Good afternoon girls. How was school? Good by the sounds of your laughs." Joanne says happily.

"Good thanks. Hot and stuffy but good. How was being in the studio!? Come on spill. We want to know!" I say excitedly.

"Millie, its supposed to be a secret!" She replies sighing.

"Just cause it's a secret doesn't mean you can't tell me. And these guys will keep it a secret. It's not like a relationship or anything." I laugh back at her.

"Ok ok, i give in. The studio was great. More deep talking than writing and thinking of a idealistic world but still great. Now tell me about all your days. Isa, Liz and Ella have not got a word in edgeways let then talk." She laughs and then scrubs my head. "How is everyone in the back. " She says to Isa and Liz and Ella.

"Good thanks we had a great day like you by the sounds." Says Ella. This is joined by comments like this from the others.

"Ok now Millie you know what I want to know. What did you eat for dinner?" Joanne looks a slightly more serious.

"You will be happy these lot made me eat a sandwich and crips, or America calls them chips, and then some fruit. See a lot of food." I say back with a smile. At first I wasn't too happy about the whole being made to eat something malarkey but then realized it was needed.

"Yup we made her buy something to eat and actually eat it. Now we know what's happening we are going to help." Says Isa.

"Good thank you. We are going to sort it out. But for now here we are home" says Joanne as we arrive home.

We walk in. You can see the girls faces light up looking round at the first sights. They haven't seen the pool yet. God this will be fun. I show then round the house. When we get to my room they tell me that it literally screams Millie at them. The shopping trip yesterday was bigger than i had let on. I had got a new phone in with a lot of things that were necessary. Joanne was quite surprised at the fact i didn't have a lot of the stuff. After looking round we go get dressed into swimming costumes that i told the girls to bring to school. We have to go though the living room to the pool where Joanne is working on emails and arranging meetings.

"Millie, I'm just arranging meetings and with people and some of them have to be in America so are you ok with coming with me? I think it will be a week that we stay because that gives me a chance to get them all done. Also it will probably be good for you to come and meet people and sit in the meetings to learn, all that jazz. It will mean time off school. Sorry its so soon but you may as well get used to it?.." says Joanne just as we are passing.

I go over to sit next to her and hug her. "Joanne i would l love to come to America. Its somewhere i have always wanted to go because we hear so much about it. I don't care about how soon it is i want to travel. I have stopped getting attached to places. Don't worry so much it sounds amazing and anyway i am not staying here by myself all the security is too tight in this house. I would never be able to throw a party, so then what's the point?" i say with a beam "and also in that context is their with the i in it." i add after scanning her email.

"Well thank you for your English language and it will be a pleasure for you to come with me thanks. It can get a little lonely with out the haus." she says back. "Do you all want something to eat before you swim you have lunch so early at school you must be staving. Go help yourself, please."

Everyone grabs something to eat apart from me. Until Joanne gets up and places a snack bar in my hand whilst grabbing a banana herself. I roll my eyes and eat half of it. She lets me off with this and finishes the rest for me.

We all spend the rest of the afternoon in the pool. Then its take away pizza for tea. Joanne tries to sit and eat away from us in the kitchen, i suppose to give us space. We all call her though because we all want to sit together. I converted the other 3 to being little monsters so they wanted to talk to Gaga. But this wasn't the main reason though, my friends wanted to get to know my new friend and to make sure it was all ok. I do love them so much. We have the best of laughs, the language and other stuff was maybe not so clean. Whoops what did you all expect though? This is the woman that wrote G.U.Y.

Joanne was back in my bed tonight as well. Suddenly we couldn't live without each other but why? We were both surviving with out each other just fine before. We curled up together and fell asleep.

writers note: i feel like this needs a bit of drama. But i don't want to ruin it for Millie and Gaga. Arr can we just leave there life perfect? I'll have to see, this is like a diary from Millie but i think it might have to skip time soon. thanks from reading also this book is on 150 reads which is good for me! thank you so much xoxo

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