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Gaga suggests that we go somewhere else as coffee has long been finished and there is no need to sit here any more. I hesitantly agree. I suppose i should take her kindness while it's here. People being showing out of the blue acts of kindness is rare.

We look on Google for restaurants near by, we both want to try somewhere new. We find one not too far away and walk there. The whole time Gaga is holding my hand as if it was a normal thing to be doing. I actually feel safe for the first time in a long time. It's weird to feel this with someone that you have known only in the media and internet, i suppose trust is easier in real life as well.

When we get to the restaurant we find a table in a cosy spot and sit on the soft comfy bean bags and chairs this quirky place has around instead of tables. This is when i realise i better tell Dad that the shopping is not coming as i have bumped into a friend and i am going out with them.

"Come on then lets order some food as i ate breakfast at 6:00 am this morning, I'm starving. Meetings with people calling in from America have to start early." says Gaga is a exasperated voice. I cant help but giggle a little. We must have been in the cafe longer than i thought because its got to 12 o'clock rather quickly.

"Why are you in meetings then Miss Gaga, you planning something new?" I reply trying to promt her.

"Ahaha now that's a secret you will be finding out some time, hopefully soon." she says back with the biggest smile. Music really does make her tick.

I know I don't want to eat anything. It makes me feel so bad and i never really get hungry anymore. We were going to have cake but then it just turned into coffee thank godness. Gaga kinda of all ready knows shite that happens at home that many others don't. To think I have only known her 2 hours. Those couple hours have been surreal I don't mind saying things because I expect to wake up from this dream sometime soon.

Gaga looks so easliy casual today. Long boyfriend fit jeans that are ripped at various points, a white top with a tiny music note sown onto it at the top and a par of Vans shoes, oh and lets not forget the black large rimmed glasses. Practical for paparazzi. She seems to fit in just right in the cozy enviroment around. All the low hung lights pick up on the cheek bones. Some of them flicker as in a 50's movie. She's taken a seat on a mustard beanbag and I've settled in a peach seat that is on floor level. All around i see staff chatting to people in a friendly manner. Just the enviroment sets me at ease for everything else.

"I think I'll have the carbonara what do you want, Mills?" she snaps me out of my thoughts already having picked up on a nickname people at school call me.

"I'm not really hungry thank you, I will probably just get a drink." I reply I don't really eat. I normally just eat a little at home to keep going. Drinks are the best thing for it.

"If you are worried about the bill don't you dare as there is no argument that I am getting it. You have to eat something, new rules the government says." She tells me making it an informal joke.

"If the government wanted everyone to eat then maybe they should inforce something to help people survive on minimum wage." I can't help but say. And it's true.

Joanne is quiet for a minute and then she decides on. "Well no one ever expects that of a 14 year old girl." Her face puzzled and yet slightly impressed.

"Not just a pretty face." I tell her with a laugh. I'm suprised she's shocked at the fact I'm aware of the world. But then again my genaration is just known for depression memes and being online a lot.

Thinking it will probably make her worry more if I don't eat, I order a salad. We chat some more about life and I think she gets a better understanding of what happens in my life. I also get a better look inot hers. I ask her what she is doing in England and why she just happened to be walking up the hill out of the main part of the city. Her answer practically made me glow. She was recording here away from everything that she knew back in America. As for the hill part she was just clearing her head before this afternoons studio session. o in all the Little Monsters uncertanty she has actully been working on something. No one is supposed to know still because non of the paps have caught her going into the studios over here.

The food comes and we are still so wrapped up in conversation. Gaga asked me what I wanted to do when I get older. My answer is to work in music as that is what I am aiming for. This excites her greatly. After more conversation about music and how I am doing in it. She notices that I have not really touched my food.

"Hey why are you not eating?" she says in a worried voice.

This pushes me to the brink of tears I am not used to having people care about me or what I eat. I look at my plate as I know full well that there are calories in this thing even if they are green. I am scared to eat it? I ignore the thought that are rightly true. I am i think. Its turned into a thing even if i wanted to eat this it would be rather hard to because I'm in a rouitne that says otherwise. I think she see my wet eyes gives me a look full of pity maybe, i don't want pity though. I'm okay. She becons me to go and sit with her on the beanbag. So i do and she wraps her arms around me.

"Millie you're thin you really need to eat. You also need someone to look after you propely i know you can handle it but when things like this happen its better to have someone else there with you on it too. You will break too young and too inocent." It was like she was thinking out loud. I tried to stop tears from running down my face and it worked I've pulled myself together again. Its for the best Gaga did not need to see this. It worked for the whole of 30 seconds then it all became to real again.

"You can cry, its ok I've got you now."

She picked up my fork, got a forkfull of my dinner and fed it me. I smiled at how stupid it all was. I needed to be fed salad. Wow I'm really doing so well at life. I take the fork from her and take a few forkfulls. I get about halfway though and then decide I'm done with lunch for the day. Gaga has already finished hers so she suggests we go back to her appartment.

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