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Parents evening done and dusted we head straight to the studio, grabbing a Mac Donald's on the way. Joanne put her sun glasses and her best British accent on and tried to do drive though hoping no one would recognise her. No one even suspected a thing. For the rest of the world going though a MacDonalds drive through is the easiest thing to do. But as soon as you've had publicity that's it, all sense of normality disappears.

"I can't believe that girl said that to you earlier. How can people be so mean? All though I do think you answered it in a great way. What a flip off." Says Joanne laughing and reflecting on the event.

"Ermmm thanks, I shouldn't of snapped like that. Normally whenever they are mean I am as kind as possible to them. You always have to be kind to people no matter how mean they are. But that back fired there, that one is a nasty piece of work. She like the leader of the group, really pathetic." I say back unsure.

I do worry about how some of the people in school think that shouting about my adoption upsets me. Could they not think if anything worst, I mean I don't wish them too but in general it's a bit of a shit comment.

"Don't worry about it she got what was coming for a saying that. Some teenages find being mean to anyway that's different easier than learning why it's a good thing. Anyway we're here now ready to help fix this album with me? I need your help, as per usual."

As soon as we enter the rest of the world goes quiet, the sound proof walls make everything strangely dimmed. Mark is already here, just sat on his phone waiting tending to his instergram. We get straight to it and work on recording what was written before. I still find first drafts of anything hauntingly beautiful, nothing but an artist's original ideas. After Joanne has recorded she comes though to edit and add what needs. Its going to be more of a dance melody so it can be done on the computer and with the various machines around the room. Both of them would drive a stake though my heart if they heard me called all the equipment machines. Joanne and I sit at the computer first and put on headphones each. It takes both or our ideas to even start to get the song somewhere. Mark has left for a few minutes after getting a text on his phone so we take the time to mess around while we don't have anyone to remind us to concentrate, for someone with such a creative drive Jo can be just as much of a child as me. He left us with the warning of 'don't muck it up please, they were good vocals' knowing that we wouldn't be able to mess it up. I get back to work while Joanne gets up to go and do something too. I am so engrossed in what I am doing I just carry on as I figure she was just speaking to Mark who was who I thought had just come back though the door. I decide to look up once I thought I heard a voice I recognised though the headphones.

The voice I thought I heard was there. I can recognise her immediately. Yet another person who's music drowned out shouting for years. Someones who's music is a lyrical masterpiece. She comes in with a laugh and looking simply happy. Her flaming red hair followers her as if it's struggling to keep up in the draft the doors have just let in. It was of course Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine. She is hugging Gaga her back to me at this moment. Joanne winks at me whilst Florence is rubbing her back. If you ever see Florence hugging someone you will notice she always rubs there back its just a Florence thing. She hasn't noticed me yet which I am used to and in this case in a way happy about. I don't know if I am ready to speak, a certain level of anxiety has come over me again. And what was she doing in the studio anyway?

I put the headphones round my neck and turn round to save all the work we just did. Its very important. I learnt this the hard way as I lost a whole essay not saving things. Whoops... As I am saving things Florence walks over and puts her head over my shoulder to see if I'm aware of her presence. I turn round of course.

"Hello Millie, I'm Florence, I wasn't sure if you would be here or at home but I'm so glad you are." She pauses just for a second before remembering the next thing she wants to say. "Sorry I didn't notice you it was that one over there distracting me, isn't that right Stef?" she turns round and laughs to Joanne.

She reply's with "Whatever you say Flo, you were probably just being rude. We all know you." in the most sarcastic manner as Florence is literally the most the most polite person ever, South London pays off.

"Its fine I was pretty submerged in this. I can't believe you're here. I had no idea thanks to being uninformed" I say louder so Joanne gets the message. "Please someone tell me that you are going to make something together."

"Maybe we will. But then maybe I was just close by and needed some decent female company. Who knows?" She sits down in the chair next to me, this is when I realise that she's here to work. "What are you doing here? Homework or Instagram?" she asks actually wanting to know. Joanne and Mark are now deep on conversation about, I don't even know but it doesn't seem that productive.

"Wow everyone does think that teenagers just spend there time online," I laugh. "No I'm helping Joanne and Mark on this track. Although we could do with recording the bits that need live recordings now though."

"I mean I did get told that you were good at music but I didn't realise that that involved production." she says as my fingers glide over the keys making new layers and going back to tweak the old ones in places. "Trust Joanne to stumble upon another musician. How long have you been doing this and what do you play?"

"Well the music producing and mixing like this, not that long maybe 6 months? I have played guitar for 6 years now though and keyboard for 2 also ukulele but does that even count?" i reply laughing slightly, starting the recognise that I might actually be good at this.

After Flow has interrogated me, which i don't mind in the slightest, we go out into the studio garden to chat and write. There is a really tall tree at the edge of the garden. It's branches are more like arms reaching for any planes passing by. It's leaves are the perfect canopy for the wildlife growing around the trunk. Mark is talking about it and how he climbed right to the top once. No one believes him it was too high and the branches are awkwardly spaced for climbing.

"I will climb it. I bet if you can do it i can too." i said to push forward a confession that he never did it. I stare at him and he says nothing. The confession is not where to be seen. I guess i have to climb it. I walk over receiving warnings from Joanne and Flo that's it's not the best idea. It takes me a minute to plan my route up.

I get to branches further up that, if he had actually climbed this, Mark wouldn't have been able to use because they're barley holding me, nevermind anything heavier.

"Millie be careful seriously your really high now," comes Joannes voice.

"Look Flo i am high as hope." i yelled down laughing at how literal that is now quoting on her album name.

"Yeah you're not quite supposed to take that literally." shouts Flow back.

And then that's the last thing I hear before i think i slip. All i can remember is the freedom of falling. Down down down from the top of the tallest tree. Falling falling falling and being at peace for those seconds. Then i can remember hearing Joanne screaming and running towards me. After that was darkness, i had hit the ground and was about to cause all the grief.

Writers note: well here we go we are getting started on the problems. Also you will get quite a few of the Florence reverences if you are familiar with her. Thanks for reading as per usual much love xoxo

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