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Jane and I go upstairs to pack my stuff up. We put all the clothes in big bags and some of it goes in the bin or charity shop bags. Posters and things are thrown away. I keep all my pictures with friends and I take my record player and vinyl records. There is not too much in the car. I am quite impressed as to how little I actually need to keep.

"Millie I couldn't really say this downstairs. But I am super happy about you going. I will miss you at meals and stuff but you deserve better than to live here with two people that hate you. It's great because you are going to be living your dream life. You're so talented you need to go use it out in the world. I will see you at school or on FaceTime from wherever Gaga takes you. Just remember to explain it to your friends on group call whilst you have evidence so they know tomorrow." Jane says to me whole heartily.

"I love you." I say scruffing up her hair. "You should see the room I am staying in at Gaga's house." I say back happily.

"Oh Millie you better turn up for family gatherings, I will be bored as hell without you."

"I promise I will turn up." I laugh at how I couldn't imagine gatherings with extended family without her.

We have put all the things in Joanne's car and we re-enter the kitchen. We here Gaga saying that she will look after me. And my parents replying with 'thank you very much. We are a part of her past now and we have been for too long. She needs to move on. It is sad but it's true.' It is actually really emotional. These people were my whole life a year ago and now I won't even live with them anymore. Even though everything they have put me though they were still everything once.

You know what hurts the most. I kind of wanted them to say no or to at least think about it. They just gave me up with no second thoughts. They gave me up.

Joanne gets up and puts her arm around me and pulls me into a hug. "Its all done now darling, I've got you." she whispers into my ear.

I say goodbye to Mum and Dad and as you can expect it was a bit awkward. But it was fine I would still see then though Jane. I won't miss them. It will just be strange.

Joanne and I go into the car and she started driving. I had my head leaning on the door and after 2 minutes I was sat there with a very slow but real trickle of tears goes down my cheeks. Joanne notices this. And reaches over to put her hand on my knee. She doesn't ask why I am crying. I tell her anyway.

"Mum and Dad just gave me up. They didn't even think about it overnight or anything. They just let me go. It was the most bittersweet thing ever. Emphasis on the bitter though. I won't miss them. But I can't believe they just like that signed the papers." I said not sobbing but just sad.

"Millie I think you heard what they said after they signed about them having done there job and now being a thing of the past. I know its hard for you but I am very happy you are out of there. I know you are too." she said

"I know I am so happy it's just bittersweet as I said. I can't wait to live with you and help with this album!" I reply trying to chirp up a bit.

"We will have to redo your room to how you want it. We did it up as a spare guest room but now it's your room we can do what we like to it. So after lunch we will go and get a load of new things for your room and we can sort it out. When we get home we may as well start going through your things and unpacking them. There is a built-in - walk-in wardrobe in your room so all your clothes can go in there, that is one thing that does not need changing. Also, you may want to group call your friends and tell them what has been happening." she says

"Ok, so the list of things to do today is.. unpack things, go and get new stuff (you know we don't have to I'm fine as it is), call friends and do homework for tomorrow." I recite the list adding the homework grudgingly.

"We do have to do your room! It needs to be somewhere you can express your self however you want. And yes I would love to use the time this week after school for jobs that need doing with you moving in, not have you in detention for not doing homework. " she says back.

"Hmmm." I know I have detention already on Wednesday.

"Millie..." She starts already.

"I just forgot some homework so I have detention on Wednesday. Sorry." I say with a laugh.

"Seriously. You said you weren't a bad kid!" She says laughing.

"So now one detention is a bad kid. Joanne, I hate to say it but I'm a really bad kid." I say faking worry. "I don't do gang stuff and anything bad outside of school. Don't worry yourself about things already."

"I'm not you have to got to try and behave. No more trouble." She looks at me over her sunglasses.

"Yes, Mother." I recite knowing we are both joking.

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