Chapter 12: Getting Prepared

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They all got out of the car and Y/N and Steve were confused to be in an antique shop.

"This way," Agent Carter indicated.

"What are we doing here?" Steve wondered.

"Follow me," Agent Carter responded.

The siblings shrugged, obeyed, and entered the shop. An old woman immediately approached them.

"Wonderful weather this morning.
Isn't it?" the woman asked.

"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella," Agent Carter answered.

The old woman pressed a button under her desk and she let them go on. They went to the back and the bookshelf separated to reveal a secret passageway for the army. Then they made it to a lab, where everyone was just looking at them. But they went down to the simulators to see Erskine.

"Good morning," Erskine greeted them, a camera flash went off, then Erskine told the photographer, "Please, not now."

Steve and Y/N looked at the simulators with hints of nervousness.

"You ready?" Erskine asked them.

They nodded their heads, not taking their eyes off the simulators for a moment.

"Good. Take off your shirt your tie and your hat. And Y/N, change into this," Erskine told them, Steve handing his things to one of the men and Erskine handed Y/N a black sleep dress.

(A/N Your change of outfit above.)

Meanwhile, they were people up in the booth, preparing to see the experiment.

"Senator Brandt, glad you could make it," Phillips said, shaking Brandt's hand.

"Why exactly am I in Brooklyn?" Brandt asked.

"We needed access to the cities power grid. Of course if you had given me a generalized requisition," Phillips answered.

"A lot of people are asking for funds," Brandt said then indicated to the man by him, "Oh, this is Clem uh..."

"Gregg Clemson, state department. If this project of yours comes through, we'd like to see that it doesn't get into the headlines," the man introduced, shaking Phillips hand.

"Jesus. Somebody get those kids some sandwiches," Brandt commented when he saw Steve and Y/N.


A/N This is going to be crazy!

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