Chapter 13: Time for the Show to Start

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Steve and Y/N got in the simulators then looked at each other. They smiled and nodded before looking at Erskine.

"Comfortable?" Erskine asked them.

"It's a little big," Steve answered.

"Mine too," Y/N added.

Erskine chuckled in response.

"You save us any of that schnapps?" Y/N wondered.

"Not as much as I should have. Sorry, next time," Erskine admitted then asked, "Mr. Stark, how are your levels?"

That caught the sibling's attention. Howard Stark himself was helping with this?

"Levels at 100%," Stark answered.

"Good," Erskine responded.

"We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn. But we are ready. Good as we'll ever be," Stark remarked.

"Agent Carter, don't you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?" Erskine suggested.

"Oh yes, of course, sorry," Agent Carter apologized.

As she walked to the stairs, she looked back at Steve and Y/N then made her way to the booth. Erskine got a microphone and flicked it, the sound echoing in the room.

"Can you hear me, is this on?" Erskine tested the microphone, making everyone quiet and sit down, then  spoke, "Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation. But the first step towards the path to peace. We begin with a series of micro injections into the subjects' major muscles. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. Then to stimulate growth, the subjects will be saturated with Vita rays."

Two nurses placed six vials of the serum then gave Y/N and Steve a shot.

"That wasn't so bad," Steve commented.

"Yeah. Piece of cake," Y/N said.

"That was penicillin," Erskine told them.

Then it was time for them to be injected. Erskine placed a hand on one of their shoulders in reassurance.

"Serum infusion beginning in,," Erskine counted down.

These devices were placed on their arms and the serum was injected into the siblings. It was a little painful, but Y/N ignored it because she only thought of Bucky.

"Now, Mr. Stark," Erskine said.

Stark flipped a switch and the simulators were lifted slightly, went from horizontal to vertical, and shut. Erskine knocked on both of them to see if the siblings could hear him.

"Steven. Y/N. Can you both hear me?" he asked.

"Probably to late to go to the bathroom, right?" Steve wondered.

"Way too late," Y/N commented.

Erskine chuckled then informed, "We will proceed."


A/N Oh snap! This is actually happening.

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