Chapter 35: A Failing Victory

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They made it inside and headed toward the front of the train. Y/N and Steve were in front while Bucky was behind them. When Steve and Y/N made it to the other car, the doors shut, leaving Bucky trapped in the other one. The siblings looked at Bucky until all three were occupied with Hydra agents.

Zola noticed this and signaled the Hydra agents.

"Stop them. Fire again," he commanded.

Steve and Y/N took out their guy easily then went to check on Bucky. He was cornered and out of bullets.

"I got this," Y/N said.

She opened the door, getting Bucky's attention. She tossed him a gun and rammed into one of the boxes. It exposed the guy and Bucky shot him.

"I had him on the ropes," Bucky commented.

"I know you did," Y/N giggled.

She hugged him and he immediately hugged back.

"I'm glad you're safe," she whispered then kissed his cheek.

"You too," Bucky said then kissed her forehead.

Then Steve came up to them.

"Come on, guys. I'm glad you're together, but we gotta get Doctor Zola," Steve told them.

"Okay," Y/N and Bucky nodded.

Then the guy that Steve and Y/N fought got up and went up to them, weapons at the ready.

"Get down!" Steve yelled.

The siblings blocked the blast, but it sent them back and made a huge hole in the side of the train.

"Fire again. Kill them now," Zola said over the intercom.

Bucky got Y/N's shield and fired at the guy while Y/N and Steve struggled to get up. Then the guy blasted Bucky out of the train.

"No!" Y/N yelled and ran to the hole.

Steve threw his shield, knocking the guy back and out. He ran to the side to see Y/N trying to help Bucky out.

"Bucky!" she yelled.

He was hanging onto the railing while Y/N was reaching out to him. Steve held onto Y/N's other hand so she didn't fall.

"Hang on!" Steve yelled.

"Grab my hand!" Y/N hollered.

Bucky was starting to reach for her hand, barely touching her fingertips. Then the railing started to come off the train.

"No!" the siblings yelled.

The railing came off and Bucky fell down to the mountains below, screaming. Steve, shedding some tears, pulled Y/N back into the train, who was already an emotional wreck. He hugged her tight as she sobbed into his chest.

Then Jones broke into the front of the train, aiming his gun at Zola and the conductor.


A/N Well you guys got Zola, but you lost Bucky in the process. 😞

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