First Dare!

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Amari: Finally! We got our first dare!

Kokichi: Oh what is it? *eyes sparkling*

Amari: This will be a little awkward for everyone here but mostly Mondo and Taka.

Mondo and Kiyotaka: How?

Amari: This dare is from Lazed1421 and the dare is 'I dare everyone to see Ishimaru and Mondo to kiss'

Mondo: *blushes* WHAT!?


Amari: Well A. this place isn't a school and B. a dare is a dare so do it.

Kiyotaka: NO!

Mondo: L-Let's just do it bro. *blushing*

Kiyotaka: Wh-What? *blushing darker*

Mondo: I-It's just a kiss. *still blushing*

Kiyotaka: A-Alright.

Mondo and Kiyotaka: *kiss each other blushing a deep shade of red*

Tsumugi: My ship has come true! *fangirling*

Hifumi: *fanboying*

Amari: *takes a picture of the kiss* Sweet two pictures in one day.

Kokichi: Two?

Amari: This is going to be used as blackmail at one point. *smirks showing Kokichi the first picture*

Kokichi: *laughs hysterically* How did you get that? *continues to laugh*

Amari: I have my ways.

Mondo and Kiyotaka: *pull away still blushing a deep shade of red*

Amari: Nice kiss guys. Alrighty that's all we have for right now remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time. Seeya!

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