100 Chapter Special!

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Amari: Woo! 100 chapters! Alright I got a couple of suggestions and I'm going to go with the most popular trip idea. I'll do the other trip later since it was a really good idea! Thank you to everyone who loves and supports this book! Alright there are a lot of people joining us on this trip. The first group is from Lazed1421 and they are Jake, Rose, and Crystal. *snaps fingers*

Jake, Rose, and Crystal: *appears*

Jake: Hi everyone!

Rose: Hey!

Crystal: Hello!

Amari: Next group is from Soulin89 and they are Soul, Soulin, Caori, Lovan, Saiko, Shin, Blades, Konrad, Shirata, Kado, and Hibiki. *snaps fingers*

Soul, Soulin, Caori, Lovan, Saiko, Shin, Blades, Konrad, Shirata, Lado, and Hibiki: *appears*

Soul and Soulin: Hi!

Caori: Hi losers!

Lovan: Hi.

Saiko: Hi everyone!

Shin: Hey guys!

The Yandere Crew: Hello everyone!

Amari: Thanks for joining us guys and now for the trip! *snaps fingers*

Everyone: *teleport to London*

Amari: Everyone welcome to London! This was the most popular trip requested. Alright you guys are free to explore London as long as your in groups of 2 or more. Also I'm giving everyone a sheet of where to meet up later today. *gives everyone the sheet* Be here at 6 tonight and don't be late! Alright everyone have fun!

Later at Six at the Location Which is a Hotel

Amari: Whew were almost done, thanks for cooking the food while I set up the snacks.

Rose: It's not a problem!

Teruteru: Anything for-

Amari: Don't finish that sentence or I'll have to tape it again?

Kokichi: Did I really have to help Amari?

Amari: Hey, your the one who wanted to come with me, plus I didn't want you causing trouble.

Kokichi: What about Jake?! Your not watching him! That's not fair!

Amari: Actually I asked Kirumi to watch him.

Kokichi: I guess that's fair.

Amari: Now that everything's ready we can relax for a bit before everyone arrives. What should we do while we wait?

Teruteru: How about we play spin the bottle?

Amari: Hahahaha no.

Kokichi: By the way Amari, how long are.we staying in London?

Amari: Oh, I was thinking two or three days. 

Kokichi: Okay.

Everyone: *comes in*

Amari: Hey guys! I hope you had fun exploring London. So now the other part of this is a party! There's food and drinks get up over there!

Akane: FOOD! *runs to the food*

Amari: Alrighty everyone lets have fun!

Everyone was either dancing, chatting with each other, or eating food while Ibuki was playing music and Mahiru was taking pictures.


Amari: Alright everyone it's getting late now, I have your room keys. Let's get to our rooms and get some sleep. Alrighty that's all we have for now remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time! Seeya!

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