Nineteenth Dare!

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Amari: I've got a dare!

Kokichi: What kind of dare?

Amari: This dare is from Soulin89 and the dare is 'Hey Amari! Play a prank on Daiya, Ishimaru, Chihiro, and Kiyondo involving Mondo getting put into a coma!'

Makoto: Oh so that's why they aren't here, but why also Mondo?

Amari: Because he won't help me willingly to prank his friends like that.

Kokichi: Then how are you going to do the prank.

Amari: Well option A is to keep Mondo distracted and use a real life dummy and option B is to put him in a temporary coma.

Kokichi: Ooh I vote option A! I want to distract Mondo!

Amari: If you distract him you might piss him off.

Kokichi: I won't, this time at least.

Amari: I still don't believe you, alright fine you can distract him. Just wait until I get my supplies before distracting him then I'll tell you where he is. *leaves to go to her room*

A Few Moments Later

Amari: *comes back carrying a plain dummy on her back and a bag on her shoulder*

Kokichi: You're finally back, you took foooooooooooorever.

Amari: Hey! You try carrying all of this stuff without help and without causing suspicion!

Kokichi: Yeah yeah yeah excuses excuses.

Amari: *eye twitches a little* Anyway Mondo is outside riding his bike, try no to piss him off too much I don't need anyone injured.

Kokichi: Aw does little Amari care about me?

Amari: No, it'll be inconvenient today because then Mikan would have to take care of you and it's her birthday today.

Kokichi: Whatever you say Amari. *walks away*

Amari: *sighs before going to the infirmary* *walks in and sets the dummy on the bed and the bed* Alright first to make the dummy look like Mondo. *pulls out a vial* A simple illusion should do the trick. *opens it and dumps what's in the vial on the dummy causing it to look exactly like Mondo* Next step. *puts the vial away and pulls out a bottle of fake blood and a paint brush* Blood. *dips the brush in the fake blood and starts painting it on the Mondo dummy* Done, now bandages. *puts the brush and fake blood away then getting a couple of rolls of bandages and scissors out. She them wraps the bandages around the places where she painted the fake blood* Wow this is coming together. *put away the bandages and scissors then grabs somethings to make a cast in* They probably won't believe me if there isn't a couple of casts and a neck brace. *makes a cast around one of the arms and legs then grabs the neck brace on the dummy* Gotta get some bruises on there. *gets a make up pallet and a brush before using it to make bruises* Almost done. *puts them away before pulling out a heart rate machine and swaps it with the one hooked up then hooking it up to the dummy* I hope this work. *presses the on button turning it on and it starts beeping* Yes! It works! Now the final touch. *gets the breathing tube and puts it on* Done! Now to call the four here so that I can complete the dare! Hopefully nothing goes wrong. *goes to the intercom on the desk and speaks into it* Daiya, Kiyotaka, Chihiro, and Kiyondo please come to the infirmary. *stops speaking into the intercom* Now to the bag away. *grabs the bag and puts it in the closet before walking to the bed*

Daiya, Kiyotaka, Chihiro, and Kiyondo: *walks into the infirmary*

Daiya: *eyes widened* L-Little bro?

Kiyotaka: *in shock* B-Bro?

Chihiro: *has tears in his eyes* M-Mondo?

Kiyondo: What happened!?

Amari: *has a sad expression* Mondo got into a bad crash, I had Mikan check on him but she said that he's him a coma and she doesn't know when he'll wake up.

Kiyotaka: B-But he will wake up right?

Amari: Like I said I don't know. *frowns*

Chihiro: H-He'll wake up he has too.

Daiya: I-I can't lose my little brother.

Amari: *was about to say something until screaming was heard*

Kokichi: *running past the infirmary* AAAAAHHHHH HE'S GONNA KILL ME!!!!!!!!!

Mondo: *running after him* GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!


Daiya, Kiyotaka, Chihiro, and Kiyondo: *confused and relieved at the same time*

Kiyondo: What's going on!? *looks at Amari*

Amari: Okay I'll explain quickly because I have to go save Kokichi before Mondo seriously harms or kills him, then I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. Alright so I was dared to prank you guys using Mondo, the Mondo on the bed is a dummy and Kokichi volunteered to distract the real Mondo and I told him to not piss him off. Alrighty that's all we have for now remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time! Seeya! *runs out if the room*

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