Amusement Park!

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Amari: Alrighty everyone we have quite a few people joining us for this trip. First up the first group Shin, S.s Ishimaru, S.s Mondo, Soul, Soulin, Caori, and Lovan from Soulin89. *snaps fingers*

Shin, S.s Ishimaru, S.s Mondo, Soul, Soulin, Caori, and Lovan: *appears*

Shin: Hi.

S.s Ishimaru: Hello.

S.s Mondo: H-Hi.

Soul and Soulin: Hi.

Caori: Sup losers!

Lovan: Hi.

Amari: Next and last group we have Rose, Jake, and Lazed1421. *snaps fingers*

Rose, Jake, and Lazed: *appears*

Rose: Hi guys!

Jake: Hi!

Lazed: Hello.

Amari: Alright that everyone.

Shin: Hi bros.

Mondo and Daiya: Bros?

Amari: Shin is your guys younger brother in an alternate world.

Mondo and Daiya: Oh.

Kiyotaka: It's a pleasure to meet you other me!

S.s Ishimaru: It's nice to meet you as well.

S.s Mondo: O-Other me, how ar-are you feeling?

Mondo: Much better now.

Rose: Hey Teruteru!

Teruteru: My my aren't you quite the cutie~

Amari: Lovan thanks for helping me out with this.

Lovan: It's no problem.

Amari: Alright now that everyone is here we can go *snaps fingers*

Everyone: *gets teleported to the amusement park*

Amari: Alright the rule is the same as the beach, you can do anything as long as it doesn't get you arrested. Alright have fun everyone!

After Hours of People Riding Rides, Playing Games, and Hanging Out while Mahiru was Taking Pictures.

Amari: *holding a Pikachu plushie that she won* Alright it's time to go back and it looks like everyone's here.

Kirumi: Not everyone, where-

Lovan: *right behind Kokichi* Right here.

Kokichi: *jumps screaming*

Amari: See everyone's here. *snaps fingers*

Everyone: *gets teleported back*

Amari: Thanks for coming guys.

Lazed: Thanks for letting us come!

Amari: Your welcome and thanks Soul for telling us to go, definitely needed that especially with the last few days of chaos.

Soul: Your welcome.

Amari: Alright bye guys you're free to some back anytime you want! *snaps fingers*

Shin, S.s Ishimaru, S.s Mondo, Soulin, Soul, Caori, Lovan, Rose, Jake, and Lazed: Bye! *teleport back to their respective worlds*

Amari: Alrighty that's all we have for now and if you want the pictures from today let me know and I'll send them to you. Remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time! Seeya!

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