Hugs and A Pissed Off Amari, Again

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Mukuro: Yes, I could use a hug S.s Junko. Amari is nice to talk to but she doesn't hug.

Amari: Yeah I don't do well with hugs, or affection in general. Hence why I didn't want to do the cuddling dare.

Mukuro: I won't hurt Junko other me, I never would hurt my sister and I wouldn't hurt her other self.

Binx: Do you guys want to know something that I heard from Soul about S.s Mondo. When he was nine his father shot him with a M-90 revolver, when he sees one now he'll get serious panic attacks.

Amari: .............. I'll be back, I need to go alternate universe hopping and teach THAT SON OF A BITCH A LESSON!

Binx: Amari, you're not going anywhere.

Daiya: Not without me at least!

Binx: God damn it Daiya no one's going anywhere!

Amari: I go where ever I want to go Binx! I don't care if the asshole is in jail I still want to kick his ass!

Binx: *sighs before leaving the room and coming back throwing a stuffed animal which is a fluffy gray cat at Amari*

Amari: *catches it and looks at the stuffed animal* Aw it's so cute! *hugs the stuffed animal cat*

Kokichi: Woah that the FASTEST I've seen her calm down.

Binx: Amari has a huge weakness to cats, especially fluffy ones. She'll calm down instantly if she sees one stuffed animal or not. That's all for now send in those asks and dares and we'll see you soon.

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