Fifth Ask!

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Amari: I got an ask!

Kokichi: What's the personal question you got asked?

Amari: This ask is from Lazed1421 and they ask 'Amari what is your favorite ship you can pick 4 or less.' I'm so glad you said I could pick four or less because I'm indecisive as hell.

Hifumi: So what are your favorite ships Miss Amari?

Tsumugi: Yeah what are they!?

Amari: I know I was given the choice to pick four but I'm going to say three, one from each group. I ship Makoto x Kyoko, Fuyuhiko x Peko, and Kaede x Shuichi. Now I do have other ships but those are my favorites.

All the people I've mentioned: *blushing*

Hifumi: Interesting very interesting.

Amari: Alrighty that's all we have for now remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time! Seeya!

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