Twenty-First Dare!

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In Amari's Office

Mondo: Is there a special reason why you called me into your office? Seriously it's a fucking mess in here!

Amari: Yeah yeah I know, you're the third person that's told me that. Anyway you have a dare. This dare is from Soulin89 specifically Saiko and the dare is 'I dare Mondo to be a girl for 8 chapters without anyone knowing until the end of the first chapter.'

Mondo: There's no way in hell I'm doing that!

Amari: Sorry but you have to and you can't tell anyone until the end of this chapter. *snaps fingers*

Mondo: *is now a girl* So what the hell am I supposed to do?

Amari: I dunno, normal things I guess. But no matter how much your brother and friends panic you CANNOT tell them, got it.

Mondo: Fine.

Amari: Good, you can leave now.

Mondo: *walks out of Amari's office*

Amari: Time to act normal. *walks out of her office*

A Little Bit Later

Amari: *in the kitchen eating some spicy ramen*

Kiyotaka: *walks up to Amari* Hey Amari.

Amari: Mmm? *looks at Kiyotaka swallowing the bite if ramen she had her mouth* Oh, hey Taka if this is about the dummy in the infirmary I've already cleaned that up.

Kiyotaka: No it's not that, have you seen Mondo anywhere?

Amari: Nope haven't seen him.

Kiyotaka: Oh, okay. *walks away*

Amari: *goes back to eating her spicy ramen*

A Little Bit Later

Amari: *playing Super Smash Bros with Chiaki and Hajime* Dammit! I was close to first.

Chiaki: You still did well Amari.

Chihiro: *walks up to them* Hey guys have any of you seen Mondo?

Amari: Nope.

Chiaki: I haven't seen him.

Hajime: Neither have I.

Chihiro: *frowns* O-Oh. *walks away*

A Little Bit Later

Amari: *walking in the hallway to her room while drinking taro boba*

Daiya: *walks up to Amari* Amari have you seen Mondo?

Amari: No I haven't, why?

Daiya: Because no one has seen him in a while and I thought that maybe you sis something.

Amari: Geez one little prank because of a dare and now I'm suspected for why Mondo hasn't been seen. Daiya let me explain something, unless I had to I wouldn't harm Mondo. I could actually put him in a coma for the dare but I didn't.

Daiya: That's true.

Amari: I'm sure he's around here somewhere.

Daiya: *nods before walking away*

A Little Bit Later

Amari: *sitting in the living room scrolling through random things on her phone*

Kiyondo: *walks up to Amari* Hey Ama-

Amari: *doesn't look up from her phone* If your asking if I've seen Mondo the answer is no.

Kiyondo: How did you know I was going to ask that?

Amari: Lucky guess.

Kiyondo: *nods and walks off*

Amari: *scrolls through her phone again* Kokichi come out I know you're there.

Kokichi: *walks out* I'm surprised you knew I was there, what gave me away?

Amari: *shows him her phone screen* The video footage gets sent to both my computer monitors and phone. How long have you been following me?

Kokichi: Hmm since you've talked to Daiya maybe a little bit before.

Amari: And why were you following me?

Kokichi: Because it seemed like you were acting suspicious.

Amari: Says the person following me. *gets up and starts walking to the ask or dare room*

Kokichi: *starts following Amari* Did someone get a dare?

Amari: Yup. *walks inside and grabs the microphone for the intercom turning it on* *speaking into the intercom* Attention everyone please come to the ask or dare room. *turns the microphone off and put it back.

Everyone: *starts walking in*

Kiyotaka: Maybe we'll find out where Mondo's been this whole time!

Chihiro: *nods* I hope so, Amari did say everyone had to come.

Ten Minutes Pass

Daiya: *worried* It's been ten minutes and he's still not here.

Chihiro: M-Mondo might be missing!

Kiyotaka: M-Missing!?

Kiyondo: That's impossible!

Daiya: There's no way my little brother is missing!

Chihiro: B-But it's the only explanation!

Kiyotaka: My bro, missing.

Kiyondo: Again that's impossible he's still around here somewhere!

Amari: I better stop this before it gets out of hand. Hey guys!

Daiya, Chihiro, Kiyotaka, and Kiyondo: *panicking or in denial about Mondo being missing*

Amari: Oh for fucks sake. *walks to her office and goes inside before coming out with an air horn and blows it*

Daiya, Chihiro, Kiyotaka, and Kiyondo: *stop and looks at Amari*

Amari: Now that I have your attention I will gladly explain what's going on. Mondo isn't missing.

Daiya: Then where is he?

Amari: Right there. *points at Mondo*

Everyone: WHAT!?

Mondo: Hey guys......

Amari: And before anyone asks Mondo was dared to be turned into a girl for 8 chapters.

Kiyotaka: Then why didn't you tell us until now!?

Amari: Also part of the dare. Alrighty that's all we have for now remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time! Seeya!

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