Twenty-Fourth Dare!

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Amari: Mondo you got another dare!

Mondo: What the hell is it this time!?

Takemichi: How bad do these dares get?

Amari: Pretty bad sometimes, I'm sure Daiya filled you in on the prank I had to do.

Takemichi: He did.

Amari: Anyway this dare is from Soul from Soulin89 and the dare is 'I dare Mondo to go out.'

Mondo: NO! Especially when I'm still a girl!

Amari: You kind of have no choice Mondo, I don't want to shave to shove you out again.

Mondo: *grumbles* Fine...... *walks out*

Amari: Okay guys you can do your own thing while Mondo does her dare.

Everyone but Kiyotaka, Daiya, Takemichi, and Kiyondo: *leaves*

Daiya: Amari you're going to watch her right?

Amari: No, not me. You guys are going to watch her.

Kiyotaka: Explain this at once Amari!

Amari: Okay soooooooo there's more to Soul's dare, the rest is 'and for Ishimaru, Takemichi, and Daiya to secretly follow her in case someone does anything to her.' Soul is mostly referring to Miu and Teruteru since they're two perverts here.

Kiyondo: What about me!?

Amari: I want you to go along too and so did Lazed1421.

Takemichi: How are we going to follow her without her noticing?

Amari: I got something for that. *pulls out a vial that was filled with a dust like material from her pocket*

Daiya: What the hell is that.

Amari: An illusion spell, it's the same on I used on the dummy to make it look like Mondo but in a different form. I'll use this on you guys so that you can hide in plain sight. *pours some of it in her hand before blowing it at them*

Kiyotaka, Takemichi, Daiya, and Kiyondo: *coughs as their appearances change*

Takemichi: Was that really necessary?

Amari: Unless you'd rather me dump cold liquid on you yes it was. Now hurry up and start following Mondo, Miu and Teruteru are probably done with the stuff I've asked them to do.

Kiyotaka, Takemichi, Daiya, and Kiyondo: *nods before quickly leaving*

Amari: *walks out of the ask or dare room before walking to the kitchen and sitting on the high chair that was next to the kitchen island that was in there*

Teruteru: Ah perfect timing Amari, I finished making what you asked me too.

Amari: Goodie!

Teruteru: *sets out the food* I didn't think you would request me to make a lot.

Amari: Well I like food and I'm hungry.

Terteru: Well then maybe-

Amari: Don't finish that sentence unless you want tape over your mouth again.

Teruteru: I'll just leave you to enjoy your food then. *leaves the kitchen*

Miu: *walks in* Here's that damn camera you wanted me to make. *sets down a camera that looked like a bird*

Amari: Wow, it's going to work right?


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