Thirty-First Dare!

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Amari: Kokichi, it turns out that LittleWaterRose asked people of robots have dicks.

Kokichi: And?

Amari: The answer is no unless someone makes one and before you even think about it, you're not allowed to ask Miu to make one. Also I wouldn't try to be sneaky and ask her behind my back because I do have cameras here.

Kokichi: *huffs* Fine.....

Amari: Onto to the dare! This dare is from LittleWaterRose and the dare is 'If Junko is still alive, then I dare her to be the opposite of herself, more on hope than despair for her for ten whole chapters.' Yes Junko is still alive I haven't killed her again in this yet and I don't think Nagito has killed her either since they're both locked in a room together and still yelling at each other. *points to the room and there was still yelling coming from it about hope and despair* So I'll be back. *walks to the room walking inside*

Junko and Nagito: *yelling at each other while throwing hope bagels and despair waffles at each other*

Amari: Hey guys!

Junko and Nagito: *still yelling at each other*

Amari: Oh my god. *walks up to Nagito before punching him knocking him out*

Junko: Thanks for knocking out hope boy I can't stand to hear another thing about hope.

Amari: You have a dare and I couldn't get your attention.

Junko: Is it a despairing dare?

Amari: To you yes. You have to act the opposite of yourself liking hope instead of despair for ten chapters.


Amari: Then I have to do this. *snaps fingers*

Junko: I-I feel so much hope! It's amazing!

Amari: Good, now nothing else will get broken. *leaves the room and locks the door* Alrighty that's all we have for now remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time! Seeya!

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