Another Appearances and Thirty-Third Dare!

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Amari: Another appearance another dare.

Yasuhiro: How many people are you going to bring in man?

Amari: As many as the requesters want me to. Anyway we have another family member joining us, I introduce you all to Taichi Fujisaki! *snaps fingers*

Taichi: Huh. *looks around and sees Chihiro* Chihiro?

Chihiro: *smiles* Dad! *hugs Taichi*

Taichi: *smiles hugging back*

Amari: Now onto the dare! This dare is from Soul from Soulin89 and the dare is 'Dare, get Taichi here and he, Daiya, and Takaaki has to react to the side promt in HeroRonpa.' He also said Takemichi had to do it too. So the rest of you can leave.

Everyone else: *leaves the room*

Amari: *pulls it up*

After Reading It.

Amari: Those were some interesting ways of how that happened.

Taichi: Takaaki your wife isn't actually like that right?

Takaaki: No she's not.

Amari: Daiya, do you actually mutter those things before you look them up?

Daiya: No I don't!

Takemichi: Calm down Daiya.

Amari: Alrighty that's all we have for now remember to send in those asks and dares and we'll see you next time! Seeya!

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