Are you okay?

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John's POV-

        "Hey, do you know where the girls are?" I looked over at Dave. "Probably snooping." There was a scream. "They found lil' Cal." Dirk said standing up. "How do you kn..." Dave cut me off. "Wait. You have Cal?" Dirk nodded. "Yeah. Bro gave him to me before he went off to god knows where. And when I go off to god knows where, which I probably won't but, I'll hand him off to you." Dave shook his head. "You can keep him." I sighed. "Keep your fear of Cal to a minimum, please. We have to find the girls. Before they hurt themselves or Cal." Dirk ran down the hall. "Cal!" Dave sighed. "Let's go help him."

Dave's POV-

        "Don't do anything stupid Dirk." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Please calm down love. They were just freaked out. To be honest Cal is a little bit creepy." Dirk squeezed Cal to his chest, causing stuffing to come out of his arm. "They hurt my baby. Are you okay, Cal?" He turned toward me. "Well don't just stand there. Go get me some needle and thread!" I sighed. Great. He was gonna make a big deal about this. "Don't worry about it, Dave. I'll get it." Jake got of the bed and left the room. I looked at the twins. "It's alright you guys. Dirk is just crazy about his puppets. Especially Lil' Cal." I smiled slightly at them. "Cal was a homemade hand-me down from my oldest brother. Dirk loves that thing. Like a whole lot. So if something like this happens, he goes berserk." Dirk grunted. "whatever. you'd flip your shit if something happened to your shades or turntables." I smirked at him. "Yeah but those things are cool. First off, you made me those turntables from scratch so you should be the one flipping your shit if something happened to those. Second off, John gave me my shades on my birthday, so you can deal. Cal is just a piece fabric sewed to together and stuffed with that crap that is put into a pillow." I should've seen this coming.

        Dirk dropped Lil' Cal and shoved me against one of the walls of his room. "Don't you ever talk about Lil' Cal like that. I will end you." I smirked. I had been used to Dirk's threats. He always used them when we younger. Dirk never scared me even at that age. Of course we were only two years apart but still. Dirk wasn't scary then and he wasn't scary now. "Please. You couldn't do that even if you really wanted too." He raised his fist. I knew this was coming. "Dirk please stop!" I heard John yell. "Will uncle Dirk hurt him?" I heard one of the girls asked. "I'll be fine." I looked at my brother. We looked so much alike. Twin-like at times. I stared at his eyes through his shades. They were exactly like mine. Except they were a lighter shade of red almost orange."C'mon Dirk. Hit me."  He lowered his fist and smirked. He engulfed him in a hug. "You sure have changed since when we were little." He let me go. "You would have freaked out on me." I smirked. "Yeah. Sure whatever." At least everyone was okay.

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