nap time

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(A/N: So I'm back again with another crappy update. This one will pobably be short too but at least you get one. Sorry if it is really short but my creative mind flow has died.)

Dave's Pov-

        After getting back on the road, for the second time, the twins decided that they had to go to the restroom, ten mintues after we left the gas station. I wasn't really complaining I was just glad we could drive the Mercedes again. Good thing that I kept those extra spark plugs in the trunk like Dirk told me too. Or elses we would have been on the side of the road for some time. But after that John was hungry, so we stopped at Burger King. Eventually we started driving with out interuption. It was almost 4 pm and we still weren't over the state border. Again, I was complaining. A little while ago the twins had fallen asleep in the backseat. Their heads were touching and their feet were proped up on the windows. In opposite directions, of course. And in the passenger seat, John had also fallen asleep. I don't know how he does it, but everytime he sleeps in a car he'll pull his legs up to his chest, wrap his arms around them, and lean his head on his legs or the window. I figured that would be uncomfortable but he sleeps like that all the time. Everytime I look at him I get a crick in my neck. I sighed. Everyone was sleeping but me and I still wasn't complaining.

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