Part 14

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Cameron's POV

I was two days before we were leaving for Orlando but Anna didn't know what me and Hailey have been planning. It was Sam's birthday too so we didn't tell him either. I could tell Anna and Sam were curious why me and Hailey were hanging out more. I just hope they don't think we are sneaking around behide their backs. Well we were but not what they think. I really like Anna I would never hurt her. But me and Hailey have been planning for her, Brookelyn, Sam ,and Anna's parents to go to Orlando the day after we arrive which is Anna and Sam's birthday and stay till Tuesday and leave with us. I was so excited. Anna will be so happy.

I was getting ready when I got a call.


"Hey you do know Anna's birthday is Saturday so why don't we plan a party in Orlando." Nash says.

"I know but I already have something planned"

"Oh alright then just wondering bye" then he hung up the phone. That was weird.

I got done getting ready and went down stairs to get breakfast. I made some cereal and headed to Anna's to bring her to school. I got to her house and knocked on the door ,no answer. I opened the door.

"Hello" I say but no answer. I was guessing Anna was getting ready and couldn't hear me and everyone else had left already. I walked upstairs and knocked on her door.

"Anna?" I say knocking on the door but no answer. I walked and there lay the beautiful girl I loved laying in a puddle of blood.

"Anna" I ran over her body. I yanked my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911. The lady on the phone said they would be here in about 5 minutes. 5 minutes she is dying it might not be quick enough I thought.

"Anna baby stay with me." I say holding her and rocking her back and forth. I looked at the cuts all down her arms and the blood flowing out of them. She cut her stomach too and there was blood oozing out. Why would she do this she was doing good. I hope she makes it. I don't know what I would do without her. The ambulance came and I rode with her to the hospital. She was rushed out of the ambulance and into the hospital were they took her through these doors I wasn't allowed through.

"Will she be okay?" I asked one of the doctors.

"We will try everything we can." he tells me and runs through the doors. I just sit there when I decided to call her parents ,Sam ,and Hailey. By the time they got there I was crying a waterfall ,not just a waterfall. I was crying Niagara Falls. I sat there covered in Anna's blood and tears.

Anna's POV

I was thinking about Hailey and Cameron and what if they were dating and didn't tell me. What if Cameron was cheating on me with my best friend? What if my best friend was seeing my boyfriend behide my back? And on top of that the fans have been sending me so much hate lately.

"Go die"

"The boys are better off without you"

"Cut deeper bitch"

"Go jump off a bridge and die."

"Kill yourself you fat whore"

And more I just couldn't do this anymore. I walked to my bathroom and got my razor out of the drawer. I haven't cut in about 2 months ,but I didn't want to go through this pain anymore. I walked back into my room and sat on the floor. I dragged the blade across my skin and the blood started coming out. I cut more and just watched the blood come from my arm and drip on my leg. I lifted my shirt and slashed my stomach. I put down the razor down. The last thing I could remember was falling backwards and whispering something.

"I love you Cam"

And everything went dark.

Hailey's POV

Sam and I were on our way to school when Cam calls.


"Get to the hospital it's Anna"

"What? What's wrong?"

"S-she cut again but all over"

"No not again"


"Yeah she did this before when her and Nash started dating. She thought he was cheating."

"Wait what if it's my fault?"

"It's not why would she think you would che- wait you don't think?"

"I do think"

"We are on our way" I said and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong" Sam ask

"It's Anna we need to get to the hospital now" I tell him as the tears start to form.


It was the middle of Junior year and I was talking to Anna on the phone.

"What if he is cheating?"

"He isn't he loves you" I tell her.

"But he always cancels our plans"

"He isn't cheating"

"But what if he is I wouldn't be able to live without him Hailey."

"You are just overreacting"

"Maybe but if he is I wouldn't be able to get over him what if she is prettier or skinnier or nicer?"

"You are perfect he is luck to have you Anna he isn't going to go and mess it up."

"Well I got to go" she says and then hangs up.

I start thinking about what she would do if he was actually cheating. Then it hit me I rushed to my car and speed to Anna's house. I got there and just ran in. She wasn't downstairs so I ran up to her room. I opened the door to Find Anna laying on the floor with blood all over her and around her.

"Anna" I yell and rushed to her dialing 911.

--end of flashback--

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