Part 16

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Anna's POV

I was in my room on twitter when I got a call from Cameron.

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Are you packing?"

"Packing? oh shit I forgot I got to go love ya bye" I said quickly hanging up and started packing. I throw random stuff in my suitcase and got done in about and hour. I laid back down and just got on twitter and Instagram. You know typical me, being white and all.

"Anna I'm going to Starbucks want to come?" Sam yells.

"No just get my usual and have them write typical white girl on it so I can instagram it." I yell back and laugh.

"White girls" he says and I hear the front door close. I got up and went downstairs and sat on the couch. I got on netflix and watched A Haunted House.

"I don't give a fuck Keisha you should be worried about making rayray mad up in here bitch." I say as the movie plays that scene, my favorite scene.

It got to the basement scene and Sam walks in with my caramel frappé. Yummy. I don't like coffee very much but this is the only thing I like there.

"Here princess" Sam says handing me my frappe and sitting next to me.

"I love this part" he says

"Me too and I love it when she is like connect the cuts haha TIC TAC TOE IN YOUR FACE BITCH" I tell him taking a sip of my drink.

"Hey you got the name wrong" I pouted and pointed to the name.

"Well it's the truth White Bitch" he laughs.

"True" I say taking another sip. I pulled out my phone and took a picture and posted it on Instagram.

"Typical white girl #starbucks #caramelfrappe #yummy #typical #whitebitch #life #air #cup #whipcream #imnotthiswhitepromise"

"You are so white" Sam laughs.

"What you talking about Chico?" I laugh.

We finish watching the movie and it was about 5 o'clock so called the crew for some dinner.

"Where?" Hailey asked.

"Taco Bell" I say.

"Nah we have that all the time." Sam says.

"Steak 'n Shake?" Cam says.

"Sure" Sam tells him.

"Milkshakes" Hailey and I yell.

"Yeah calm down they have milkshakes" Brookelyn jokes.

"Haha you love them too skinny bitch" I say.

"I'm fat your the skinny one." she says and I just laugh and hit her. She is a stick I'm way bigger than her.

"Why do girls say they're fat?" Sam ask and Cameron nods.

"Cause we feel and look fat." I laugh.

"No you don't you are beautiful and skinny" Cam says kissing me on the cheek.

"Stop" Brookelyn says. Her and Spencer broke up a few weeks ago and she has been getting lonely.

"I'm going to get you a boyfriend" I tell her.

"And who might this 'boyfriend' be?" she questions.

"I don't know I will find you one" I tell her. We finally arrive at Steak n Shake and get a table for 5. We get seated and there are a group of our school sluts.

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