2 - pride

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“Here’s to the damned, to the lost and forgotten”
~Kelly Clarkson (People like us)

“We are sorry for the interruption, but we have Mr Castillo with us now and the meet and greet before the campaign has officially begun. I’ll like to thank you the students of Leeds for turning out largely for this movement and also we’d like to thank and welcome all our sponsors, who will introduce themselves shortly after the welcome speech from our very own Avril Good.”

The crowd gave applause as Mr Joe stepped away from the mic and turned to me. My heart hammered against my chest and my hands trembled as I slowly made my way over to the mic. There was a loud cheer, and some students were whistling to cheer me on, but that didn’t help my stage fright one bit.

I got to the mic, and I cleared my throat shakily before speaking.

I stared down, taking my breath slowly and heavily and then counting from numbers six to one and from four to ten, and my nerve settled. When I looked up again, I summoned all the courage I had in me to speak. “Like our motto, we at Leeds university strive to increase knowledge in the best way we can, and every day, we continue to strive just to see that happen. An idea came a few months ago to reach out to those who can’t stand on their own and help make the impossible possible for them.”

Of course, it seemed impossible. We were just young students trying to find their place in this world, but with the help of the administrator and our faithful sponsors, that dream will soon become a reality. And you distinguished people get to be a witness to it.

We the students at Leeds university welcome every one of you to the ‘Educate a Child Campaign’. We’d like to thank you, our sponsors, for giving us this dream ago and we hope that through this movement, children all over the world get the education that they truly need. Together we can make a difference and knowledge will be increased. Together we are unstoppable, together we will do more than we ever experienced.”

Thunderous applause followed my finishing and, although still shaking a bit, I make my way over to where I was before I was called for my speech.

The next half hour, the sponsors introduced themselves to everyone and the last to introduce himself was Noah Castillo, who kept staring at me from time to time like a lion keeping a close eye on its prey.

The look on his face I couldn’t place because it held no emotion on it, but I knew he knew it was me, the girl he ran into the shop who he told had a foul mouth. I wished there was a place to hide away because I desperately wanted to hide, or better still, disappear and there was no way to make it happen. He knew me; he recognised my face, and that was why he could stop looking.

“Good morning everyone,” Noah said as he stepped up to the mic and his voice quiet up the whole place. “My name is Noah Castillo, and it’s a pleasure to be here. When I first heard of the movement, I thought it was about time and I’m so glad Leeds university is the brain and mind of this whole movement and to this cause, I can’t be more proud to say I’m dedicating 100% of my time, effort and money just to see us succeed.”

He spoke with pride, confidence and power, so it was no surprise to me when the crowd applauded loudly, cheering and shouting widely. I couldn’t help but to clap as well.

A part of me felt glad what happened at the cafe ruined nothing that had happened so far, and I kept hoping for the best.

“March out with pride, dignity, confidence and honour because today you’re going to change the case of millions of children all over the world, so thank you for the privilege given to me to join your team.”

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