20 - family

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“I’ve been where you are before. I have felt the pain of losing who you are.”
~Christina Perri (I believe)

(Luke’s POV)

“I was wondering how long you were planning on keeping Emma away from me,” I say as soon as I see Japhia walk into my office with Emma in his arms and a pair of shoes in his other hand.

He’s wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. His blonde hair is short and kinda messy and I think I know who’s responsible for that. The little girl in his hands is wearing a yellow sundress and a red necklace. Her blonde hair is in a ponytail and there is a Rolex on her wrist.

“Honestly, forever!” Japhia replied, dropping the shoe to the floor and helping put them on the adorable baby girl’s leg.

I pause in confusion and turn to the little girl, smiling widely at her, a gesture she seems to enjoy, and return. “And might I ask what wicked thing I did to make you come to that conclusion?”

He walks over to my mini fridge close to the shelf and opened it. “Seriously? I can write you an entire list and it will surprise you what the top ten will be.”

He seems to not be finding what he’s looking for in the fridge as he stares quietly at it. “If you look to find alcohol, you’d have to look again.”

“You smoke, but you don’t drink?” He slams the fridge and turns to give me a ridiculous look.

I rub my jaw and clench my teeth. “Who told you I smoke?”

“Noah did.”

I growl with a growing outrage at his name, “You want alcohol to go to him, then!” I tell him, pointing to the door.

“That makes it the top 11 things on my list now.” He walks back to Emma and picks her up.

I sigh as my anger subsides, “Drinking and smoking aren’t the same things, Japh.”

He raises the pointy finger, “First, don’t you dare call me Japh, only mom calls me that and second,” he adds the middle finger. “I know they are not the same thing.” He says, dropping the pointy finger and giving me the middle finger as he walks to the door.

I close my eyes briefly. “Wait.”

“Why?! Do you think I’m right? But you’re just the holiest brother I know, who doesn’t drink, who’s always right and who couldn’t even call to wish his baby brother’s baby girl a happy birthday, but guess what? You’re full of shit!”

My heart squeezes in my chest at the guilt that washes over me, and I slump down on my chair. Today is July 11, which means her birthday was six months ago. I thought I remembered to wish her all this while I thought I did. No wonder he hadn’t called or returned my calls ever since and, to be honest, I really can’t stand myself. “I forgot, I’m so sorry.”

He shrugs, “Noah drinks. He didn’t forget.”

“I’m sorry and I’m already apologising, but I’m not Noah and I’m tired of people comparing me to him.” I ground out, feeling my anger rising again.

“I wasn’t comparing you to him, Luke, you didn’t call for a congratulation when she was born, you didn’t send any gift for her naming, never visited her and when you called and said you’d try to do better, I thought you keep your word. I get that I’m the youngest of my five brothers to have a baby, but I didn’t think you were the one that would keep holding it over my head till now.”

“That’s not what I’ve been doing, Japhia, and I’m sorry you feel that way. You are right, I’m full of shit, so please let me make up for it. You, me and Emma for lunch.” I suggest and await his response and pray it’s good.

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