Never Have I Ever

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A/N: This is multiple things, including crack, fluff, and some angst

Setting: After series 3, but before Arthur becomes king

Description: Arthur, Merlin, and the knights are out on a hunting trip when Gwaine suggests they play a game. (Geez why is Gwaine always the instigator?)

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin or it's characters

"What is taking so long?" Arthur said, settling down on the ground. "I'm hungry, Merlin." Merlin sighed, checking the pot of stew.

       "I suppose it's done enough." Merlin began to spoon the contents of the pot into bowls for the hungry prince and his knights. Arthur eagerly shoved spoonfuls of food into his mouth, only pausing when he noticed his servant staring at him.


       "Nothing, sire." Merlin replied innocently. "Just making sure you don't eat too much. It's already hard enough to buckle your belt." Leon nearly choked on his spoon at the statement, while Arthur was giving his manservant a look that could kill.

       "I am not fat!"

       "Of course not, sire. Not yet, anyway." Merlin whispered the last part. Elyan, who was sitting next to the servant, merely quirked an eyebrow in amusement.

       "Where's your food, Merlin?" Gwaine suddenly piped up.

       "In Arthur's bowl." Merlin's stomach growled as he spoke. Gwaine stood up, pushing his bowl into the servant's hands.

      "You can have the rest of mine, then." The knight said with a smile. Merlin's eyes widened, the narrowed in suspicion. Gwaine wasn't the type to give up food. Ever. Hesitantly, Merlin sniffed the stew, searching for a sign of it being tampered with. After a moment of inspecting it, Merlin's stomach growled again, prompting him to eat.

       "Thank you, Gwaine." The words barely left his mouth before he began to shovel food in. Merlin had been chasing game with Arthur and the knights all day. He was nearly starved. Gwaine sat back down, a triumphant grin plastered on his face. His gleeful expression drew several suspicious looks from the others, but they left it alone. At least for now. They knights of Camelot continued their quiet chatter, the only other sounds being night wildlife, and the occasional clinking of spoons on metal bowls.

       "Alright." Lancelot nearly dropped his bowl at Gwaine's loud voice. "I'm bored."

       "So?" Arthur asked him.

       "Let's play a game." The knights groaned at his statement. "What?"

      "No offense, Gwaine, but your games never end well." Elyan stated, the others murmuring in agreement. Gwaine gasped mockingly.

      "I have no idea what you are talking about!" He protested. "Plus, this one's fairly simple."

      "So like you then."

       "Shut up, Percy." Laughter echoed in the woods. "So, I learned this game at the tavern." Gwaine ignored the chorus of groans. "It's called 'Never Have I Ever'."

      "I've heard of it." Leon cut in. "Isn't it normally played as a drinking game?"

       "Normally. But I know another way we can play it. You'd be surprised at how fast it can go downhill." The knight's words didn't comfort anyone whatsoever.

      "Well, why not?" Arthur said, leaning against a tree. The others shrugged, complying. Though the grin on Gwaine's face caused them to have apprehensions about this idea.

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