A/N: Here have some a n g s t
Merlin silently sat down next to Gwen on her bed, giving her a small smile in greeting. She returned the smile, but he noticed the way it wavered, and she dropped her head. Merlin placed his arm around her shoulders, blinking back the tears that pricked at his eyes.
"Hey, Gwen. Do you remember the time Arthur set himself on fire?" The smile returned, slightly more confident than the last.
"You mean when he tried to plan a romantic evening for the two of us?"
"That time." Merlin confirmed with a chuckle. "The way he screamed when his sleeve lit up with flames. You would've thought he was dying." The queen laughed, and Merlin relaxed more.
"What about the time Gwaine tried to hit Arthur with that snowball, but instead hit Agravaine?" That was one of Merlin's favorite memories, and Gwen knew it.
"You mean... a snowball like this?" Merlin's eyes flashed gold, and a snowball appeared in his hand. Gwen squealed as Merlin tossed it gently at her, her laughter echoing in the chambers as it exploded into snow flakes before it made contact. She grabbed at the goblet that was on her nightstand, sending the liquid flying toward Merlin in retaliation.
With another flash of gold, the liquid froze midair, and the two laughed until their sides hurt. The liquid dissipated when Merlin waved his hand, and Gwen sighed, the remnants of her smile still present.
"I miss him, Merlin." Gwen said softly. "I miss him every day." Merlin sighed, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"I know, Gwen." She rests her head on his shoulder, and he pretends not to notice that her hair is more grey than brown, while his remains as dark as it was when he first came to Camelot. He pretends not to notice that her skin is wrinkled and her eyesight dulled, while he appears as young as ever.
Instead, he holds out his hand, and two goblets filled with wine appear. He hands one to Gwen, holding his out as if making a toast.
"To Queen Guinevere!" He stood in order to mock bow to her. "May her reign be long and prosperous."
Gwen giggled, holding her own goblet out. "To Merlin Emrys! May he always remember that he is the best friend I could ever ask for." The goblets clinked, and Merlin swallowed the lump in his throat with a sip of the wine. He hesitated, pulling the drink away from his lips.
"To Arthur." Merlin said. Gwen closed her eyes, before giving a single nod.
"To Arthur."

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...