A/N: As per request by @destructivedinosaur.Sorry it took so long to get to this. Also, warning: slightly over powered Merlin.
Setting: Anytime Uther is alive. Maybe during series three? Also, Morgana is evil, but not as much as in the actual thing.
Description: Uther has crossed the line this time. And Merlin won't stand for it.
Disclaimer: I still don't own Merlin. Yes, it's sad, I know.
Merlin rolled his eyes from behind Arthur's back at some prattish comment he'd made. But the prince remained unaware, continuing to chatter on about whatever it was he was talking about. The manservant had tuned him out a long time ago, probably around when they'd entered the market square. Merlin grinned at the joyful energy that seemed to surround the people of Camelot, and the glances at the prince didn't go unnoticed.
Suddenly, Arthur stopped walking, causing Merlin to run straight into him. The dark haired manservant grimaced, waiting for the incoming insults. But to his surprise, none came. Instead, Arthur kneeled, and now Merlin could see a little brunette girl, around the age of seven, standing shyly in front of the prince.
"Hello there." Arthur said softly. Merlin smiled at the way Arthur acted. Not all that long ago, he would never consider stopping for a child. "What's your name?"
"Rebecca." Came the timid reply. The little girl stared at Arthur with bright green eyes, before shoving something towards him. Confused, Arthur took it, and when he opened his hands, a small golden flower sat in them.
"Oh! Thank you, Rebecca." The girl beamed at Arthur's acceptance, and after giving a small curtsy, she skipped off, wearing a massive grin. The prince stood, the flower still in his hands, a small smile on his face.
"Going soft, are we?" Merlin teased. Arthur whirled around, a half hearted scowl replacing the smile.
"Of course not, Merlin." The crowd continued about their day, pretending as if they didn't hear the manservant talking back the the prince of all people.
"I mean, it is a pretty flower. There's no shame in appreciating fine plants, especially from pretty girls." Much to Merlin's delight, Arthur began to turn red.
"She's a child, Merlin! Here!" He shoved the flower into his manservant's hands. "If you like it so much, then take it!" Arthur turned away, but hesitated. "Put it in a vase or something and take it to my chambers." He briskly walked away before Merlin could add any more teasing comments to the conversation.
To be honest, however, Merlin was too busy staring at the flower. It radiated magic. Not the cold, harsh kind that he often felt when around Morgana; but a warm, comforting presence seemed to surround the small plant. The girl, Rebecca, most likely grew a flower with her magic to give to the prince. He chuckled, shaking his head. He'd have to keep an eye on her.
Arthur sat at his desk in his chambers, a quill in hand. Abruptly, he slammed his head down, groaning into the wood."Don't do that. You might kill off your last few brain cells." Merlin spoke without looking up from polishing the sword in his hands.
Arthur scoffed. "At least a have a brain, Merlin." The manservant opened his mouth to retort, but the sound of urgent knocking on Arthur's doors forced him to snap his mouth shut. The prince smirked. "Come in!" A breathless messenger stood there- Daniel, Merlin thought- and it only took a moment for the words to start tumbling out.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...