A/N: Crack and stuff.
Setting: After Gwen/Arthur get married
Description: Gwen accidentally spills a secret about Merlin to her husband.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin or it's characters
"How could you Gwen?!" Merlin tried to control his yelling. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he panted, out of breath from running. "How could you tell him? You promised you wouldn't!" Doors slammed in the distance, and Arthur's shouts could be heard faintly.
"He's my husband, Merlin!" Gwen stammered, raising her hands in surrender. "I'm not going to keep secrets from him!" She walked towards her friend, trying to place a hand on his shoulder. He glared, and she backed down.
Sighing, the queen walked over to her table, sitting down. Merlin was keeping a wary eye on the door, ready for Arthur to burst in at any second. The manservant looked terrified.
"Even if telling him could cost me my life?!" Merlin was yelling now. Gwen's eyes widened, and she bolted up from her chair.
"He wouldn't do that!" Great. Now she was yelling too. She calmed herself, and walked to him. Gwen grabbed onto his forearms soothingly. "No matter what he says, he wouldn't kill you." Merlin snorted in disbelief. "I know he doesn't say it often, but you are his best friend."
"He has never once said that." Merlin retorted, crossing his arms. "And you know how the prat is! Arthur will never let this go!" His eyes widened in desperation as the sound of slamming doors and banging came closer.
"MERLIN GET BACK HERE!" Arthur's yells were closer now. Merlin blanched.
"He's going to find me!"
"Don't be ridiculous, how would he know-" Merlin nearly jumped out of his skin when the doors flew open, revealing a panting Arthur. The king's eyes settled on his manservant, narrowing.
"There you are, traitor." Arthur hissed. Merlin darted behind the queen, seeking shelter from his wrath. The king approached them, looking eerily similar to a raging bull. Merlin suddenly darted past Arthur, and took off running down the halls. Arthur didn't hesitate in pursuing him, the king's angry cries echoing throughout the castle. The time of night provided a nice, empty hallway for Merlin to run for his life through.
"Arthur, wait!" Gwen cried, hiking up the skirts of her dress. The queen ran after them, closing the distance surprisingly fast. "It's not what you think!"
"It's exactly what I think!" He yelled back to his wife, not slowing in his pursuit. "Face me, you COWARD!" Merlin yelped, somehow running faster.
"Arthur, I kissed him!" Arthur ignored Gwen. "And it was years ago! We didn't even speak to each other back then!" Apparently as she said this, she yelled it louder than intended. The reason she knew this was because of Gwaine's amused voice that could be heard as the three ran past.
"She kissed you?" He asked Merlin. The knight began to run after him, wanting to hear more. "Good on you, mate!"
"Not helping, Gwaine!" Merlin huffed. The knight cackled, keeping an even pace with the others. "Arthur, I'm sorry!"
"You kissed MY WIFE!" Arthur shrieked in a not so kingly manner. He leapt towards his manservant, taking both of them down. Merlin screeched as Arthur pinned him to the floor. The two rolled on the floor for a few moments, yelling like little girls.
Two guards were chatting quietly amongst themselves when they heard a commotion. They rushed to see what was going on. What they found... well, it was an odd sight.
The king and his manservant were on the ground, fighting like a couple of children would. The queen was busy trying to pry them off of each other, pleading with her husband to listen to reason. One of the best knights of the round table was laughing hysterically as he watched the chaotic scene unfold before him.
The two guards glanced at one another, before shrugging. They let the group be, knowing that it would eventually end.
After all, it was an odd sight, but not an uncommon one.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...