A/N: This is just a random idea I had.
Setting: Anytime after 4x06.
Description: Morgana has Arthur, Merlin, and the knights captive, and she talks about the last time she had someone at her mercy.
Disclaimer: Still don't own Merlin.
Arthur glared at his half sister, trying his best not to flinch whenever she walked near him or his men. The king had his hands tied with magic above his head, held in place against a crumbling, yet still sturdy pillar. The knights of Camelot had been out on patrol, along with Arthur, when bandits attacked. They had done their best to fight them off, but the bandits outnumbered Arthur's knights four to one. Soon, they had all been dragged to the dilapidated ruins of an old stronghold, one that had been used for smugglers many years ago.
The king was forced away from his thoughts when Gwaine swore loudly as one of the bandits that had captured the knights of Camelot dragged Merlin in, before dropping him roughly on the ground. Merlin had been the last to be captured, and Arthur had foolishly held some form of hope that his manservant might have escaped. With a flash of gold in Morgana's eyes, Merlin was bound against a pillar, in a way that was similar to the knights.
Morgana laughed at the sight of a bloodied and bruised Merlin, sauntering over to the manservant with a wicked smile on her lips.
"Morgana, leave him alone." Arthur threatened, his voice low. The witch ignored him, her gaze focused on Merlin, and Merlin alone.
"Hello, Merlin."
"Morgana." Merlin met her eyes with confidence, refusing to portray any fear or weakness.
"It's so nice to see you again." She cooed, her tone sickly sweet. "After all, we had so much fun the last time." Arthur sucked in a breath at her statement. Last time? Merlin's gaze flickered over to Arthur nervously for a moment, before returning to the witch.
"What are you talking about?" Gwaine demanded. Morgana broke away from Merlin for a moment, a gleeful expression appearing on her face.
"You mean you don't know?" The silence stretched on for a moment, answering Morgana's question. A cackle escaped from her throat.
"I feel to see anything amusing, Morgana." She ignored Elyan, once again focused on Merlin.
"Oh, this does bring back some memories." Morgana spoke a spell, her eyes flashing gold, and Merlin hissed in pain. Arthur jerked against his magical restraints when he realized just what Morgana had done. She was hurting Merlin. "I did love your screams, Merlin." The manservant flinched at the memory, while Arthur paled, feeling sick.
"Screams?" Arthur repeated. He glanced at his other knights in confusion, but was met with equally confused stares.
"Morgana, don't do this." Merlin begged the woman he once considered a friend.
She simply laughed in response. "What was it you said to me then? Ah, yes, I remember. You told me that you could 'die happy'. Well, Merlin, " she spat his name like it was poison. "Can you die happy now, knowing that Arthur will soon follow?" She pulled out a dagger from beneath her dress, and everything slowed for Arthur.
She was going to stab Merlin.
Merlin was going to die.
The dagger slashed in a deadly arc towards Merlin's side, where the manservant stood with a pleading expression. But he wasn't pleading with Morgana, he wasn't pleading for mercy. He was pleading with Arthur.
Forgive me.
Later, Arthur would question if he'd actually heard Merlin's voice in his head, or if he'd only imagined it. However, right now, he had no time to dwell on it, because Merlin's eyes flashed gold, and Morgana went flying. Arthur stared in shock, unable to process anything as his restraints were removed, and the knights were also freed.
Yet they all stood there, dumbfounded as Merlin's eyes faded back to their original blue.
"You!" Morgana shrieked. She had picked herself off of her spot on the floor where Merlin had thrown her. "You traitor!" Merlin grimaced at the malice in her tone. "All these years, you've done nothing but protect the man that would have you executed!" Merlin ignored her for a moment, making eye contact with Arthur.
"Run." The warlock whispered. He raised his hands towards the enraged Morgana, his eyes burning gold once more. Merlin began to speak, his voice rasping, until suddenly, he placed his hands on the pillar he was still standing next to. The dilapidated fortress began to shake, and Arthur felt a pair of arms dragging him away, forcing him to leave Merlin behind. He noticed that Percival was doing the same to Gwaine, who was struggling to get to his friend.
Finally, the knight gave up on resisting, before following his king out of the crumbling building. Arthur couldn't help but feel his mind screaming in protest of leaving Merlin behind.
But surely a sorcerer of his apparent power could protect himself...
I'm so sorry to leave this off, but I completely ran out of inspiration. If anyone wants to take this oneshot and finish it, continue it, etc. be my guest. But I have no idea where to go from here. I know this wasn't one of my better ones, but the plot bunny would not leave me alone.
Anyway, sorry again for the lack of an ending.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...