A/N: I'm not sure how to really classify this.
"I can't believe you made us get lost!" Arthur's accusation was directed at Merlin, though no real malice was intended.
"I made us get lost?" Merlin's shrill reply echoed in the small shack that they had holed up in. Once again, the knights gave a collective sigh as the arguing continued. Even Gwaine seemed exasperated, and he normally enjoyed the two fighting. He would always say that 'Arthur never holds up for long. It's nice to see him lose every once in a while.'
But for once, they just wanted the argument to stop.
They had been out on one of their routine patrols -well as routine as it can be- only to have a massive snowstorm appear of out no where. Arthur had insisted they head south, while Merlin was certain it was north. Arthur had pulled his 'king card' as Gwaine liked to call it, and said to go south.
So south they went.
And the further the went south, the more and more lost they became. After finally giving up on trying to find the castle, they stumbled across a messy hut. When they stumbled inside, they rushed to start a fire for any source of warmth, but to their dismay, the flames sputtered out and died each time. Finally, Merlin had had enough, and turned away before his eyes flashed gold, and the wood caught.
Once a fire had been started, the arguing began again.
"Enough!" Elyan finally shouted, and the two looked over at him in shock. "If you two would stop arguing like an old married couple and pay attention, maybe we won't freeze to death!" Both Merlin and Arthur had the decency to look ashamed, mumbling apologies to the knights.
"You need to apologize to each other, too." Leon pointed out. Merlin reddened, and Arthur looked away. "Now." The authority in Leon's voice held no room for argument.
"Sorry." Merlin muttered. Arthur nodded, saying something unintelligible, but a sharp look from Leon made him clear his throat and try again.
"I'm sorry for not listening." Arthur said again.
"Now hug!" Gwaine called out. Arthur's gaze snapped over to Gwaine, and Merlin made a cutting motion across his throat, giving the knight a pointed look.
Percival grinned. "Yes, hug!" Both men turned bright red, refusing to look at each other.
"Hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug!" The knights chanted ominously in unison. They burst out laughing as the two tormented individuals awkwardly wrapped their arms around the other in order to shut up their companions.
Merlin and Arthur quickly pulled apart, staring at the walls.
The two didn't look at each other for days after that.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...