A/N: Kinda angst. Very short. OoC-ness in some ways.
Setting: During series 4 after Arthur's king.
Description: Merlin is very angry with Arthur.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin or it's characters
"What do you mean, 'I know'?" Merlin seethed, staring at the king before him. Bandits, some dead, some unconscious, were strewn about on the forest floor. Arthur smiled, patting Merlin on the back. The manservant flinched away from the touch.
"I mean, I've known about your magic for some time." Arthur answered. Merlin gaped for a moment, unable to process what the king had just said.
"How long have you known?"
"Cornelius Sigan." Merlin jumped in shock at the statement. "I wasn't as unconscious as I looked. At first..." Arthur let out a sigh. "At first I was angry. But what you said when Sigan asked you to join him made me rethink my views on magic users. 'Better to serve a good man than to rule with an evil one.' You've had plenty of opportunities to kill me." Arthur smiled at Merlin, expecting the other man to smile back. But Merlin just stared at him with a blank expression.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He croaked out. Arthur winced at the accusatory tone of his voice. He ran a hand through his hair, leaning against a nearby tree.
"I guess I wasn't ready to. Besides," Arthur pointed out. "You never told me about your magic. So we can call it even." Merlin's nostrils flared, and he clenched his jaw.
"'Even'?" He spat. "'Even'?!" Arthur was taken aback by the anger in his voice. "Arthur, I spent years thinking I would die if you found out about my magic!" Merlin lashed out with his magic, and a few of the limp forms of the bandits went flying. "Do you have any idea how many hoops I've jumped through to save your sorry hide? Do you know how many more people I could have saved?! I could have saved Lancelot! I could have saved my father! But instead, he died in my arms after taking a sword that was meant for me!" Arthur flinched as Merlin yelled, beginning to pace. "I could have stopped Morgana from becoming evil, I could have changed her fate! I watched the love of my life die in my arms, because you killed her!" Hot tears ran down Merlin's face, and Arthur felt his insides churn.
"I killed your love?" He whispered.
"I could have done so much more, Arthur!" Merlin continued, ignoring the question. "All because you kept this from me! I could have... saved so many more..." he choked, falling to his knees. Arthur sucked in a breath, and walked over to Merlin. The king knelt down, before pulling his manservant- his friend, into a hug.
"I'm so, so sorry."

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...