A/N: So... this is basically my take on what happened between 4x01 and 4x02 (ya know, when Merlin was attacked my the Dorocha) it's pretty short, btw.
Setting: Between 4x01 and 4x02 duh
Description: Read the A/N mah peeps
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin even though I want to
The knights rushed forward as Merlin collapsed to the ground, the Dorocha flying away with a screech. Merlin was on the stone floor, unmoving.
"No!" Lancelot shouted, kneeling at Merlin's side. Arthur was there next to him, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. Gwaine let out a growl that was on the verge of a scream, punching the wall. If the stones had been any thinner, there would be a hole where Gwaine's fist had landed.
"Merlin, you idiot." Arthur hissed, staring at his manservant's blank eyes. "Why did you do that?" Gwaine slumped against the wall, his sword on the ground next to him. Lancelot held the cold form of Merlin in his arms, begging his friend to wake up.
"Sire." Leon muttered, placing a hand on the prince's shoulder. Arthur shrugged it off, wanting to hit something. He now wished more than ever that the Dorocha were able to be killed, not only to save Camelot, but so that he could have the satisfaction of ripping them to pieces for what they did to Merlin.
Suddenly, Lancelot's breath hitched, and he shifted Merlin. The knight was staring intently at Merlin's closed eyes- wait, hadn't they been open just a second ago?
"He blinked." Lancelot murmured, watching hopefully. Gwaine was on his feet in an instant, pushing his way towards Merlin. The knights watched with baited breath, slowly feeling their hopes crashing down as Merlin showed no sign of movement.
"Come on, Merlin." Arthur's voice was quiet. "You need to wake up, you dollop head." Still, there was nothing. Then came the slightest shift in movement, and a small groan.
"That's... that's my... word." Merlin said, not opening his eyes. Arthur couldn't help but grin as Merlin's chest moved up and down.
"Don't ever scare us like that again." Lancelot berated. A ghost of a smile crossed Merlin's lips.
"No... no promises." Gwaine let out a small laugh as Merlin spoke, but the smile left when he laid a hand on Merlin's forehead, nearly jerking his back when he felt the cold radiating from his friend.
"We need to get him warm." Arthur said, noting Gwaine's reaction. Gently, the prince lifted Merlin off the ground, heading towards their fire.
Once they reached it however, to the prince's dismay, there was only hot coals, no flames. Arthur let out a growl of frustration, and carefully laid Merlin down on the stones.
"Elyan, Leon, get the fire started back up, now!" Arthur winced at the bark in his tone, but neither knights looked bothered by it. They understood just fine. Merlin shuddered, his eyes fluttering slightly.
"We need to keep him as warm as possible." Percival pointed out. Lancelot nodded, pulling off his cloak. He quickly wrapped it around Merlin, who still shivered. Gwaine followed suit, as did Percival. Now wrapped in three cloaks, Merlin shook less, but the chattering of teeth and the shaking breaths revealed just how cold he was.
"What is taking so long on that fire?" Arthur muttered, his gaze searching for Leon and Elyan. He could see them approaching, arms full of wood. Arthur sighed in relief, sinking to the ground next to Merlin. He shot a worried glance at his shivering friend, before rubbing his hand on his face.
Merlin had to make it out of this.
He had to.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...