A/N: So @RedHoodOutlaw requested a protective knights oneshot. This one is going to have some humorous points, but I will definitely make a serious one as well (and soon, hopefully next week).
Honestly, this seemed better in my head, but it got worse the further I went along. Whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I hope you like it anyway.Setting: between series 3 and 4
Description: The knights care a lot about the manservant that always seems to get into danger.
Disclaimer: Nope. Still don't own Merlin.
"Why does Arthur always bring Merlin along?" Elyan's remark broke the late afternoon silence in the armory. The others froze and looked at him, pondering what he had just said.
"That's the way it's always been, I suppose." Leon was the one to finally answer. Elyan shrugged and turned his attention back to the straps on his gauntlet.
"Now that you mention it," Percival started, "it is odd. Merlin's... so small. You think Arthur would be wary of constantly placing him in danger."
"Merlin's not defenseless..." Lancelot said quietly, but his statement went unheard, or at the very least, was ignored. The other knights seemed to be taking this conversation seriously, as if they had never realized that Merlin seemed to always be in trouble.
"Merlin is one of the bravest men I've ever met." Gwaine announced. "It's not his fault that he wasn't given the strength to match it."
"I say we need to look after Merlin! He's one of the most loyal men I know."
"I agree with Leon."
"And I agree with Percival." Gwaine paused for a second. "About agreeing with Leon, that is."
"It's decided then?" Elyan looked at the others for confirmation. Each of them nodded, and Lancelot sighed at the theatrics. "From now on, we will always make sure Merlin is safe."
And that was the end of the discussion.
The fact that Merlin had five knights almost constantly watching him did not go unnoticed. Add one more stuffy prat, and Merlin was never alone anymore.At first, he hadn't minded it, in fact, it was almost endearing.
They had been out on yet another one of Arthur's useless hunting trips when, of course, bandits had made a surprise appearance. Merlin was stuck in the middle of the fray, unable to discreetly use his magic like he normally did. That is, until Percival threw him over a muscular shoulder before charging to edge of the battle. The large knight deposited a stunned warlock before running back, sword raised high.
After sitting on the ground for a moment, Merlin had recovered, and assisted his friends in not dying. Unfortunately, the warlock had been so busy trying not to let the others get killed that he didn't notice when a bandit came up behind him, knife raised.
"Merlin!" Gwaine's cry made him spin around, just in time to see a flash of silver racing towards his unguarded chest. His magic sent a jolt through his system, forcing him to act. He dived to the side just in time to only receive a graze on his arm.
Merlin turned to face the bandit, ready to dodge another attack, but faster than he could say "Clotpole" a raging blond prince had already taken care of business. Next thing the warlock knew, Elyan was kneeling next to him, bandages in hand.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...