A/N: So, I will be doing a "special" where I post one oneshot (more like a drabble) every day from now until Christmas! They will each probably be holiday themed, with various ships, and ranging from angst to fluff to crack.
I hope y'all like it!
Without further ado, here's my first installment of my Christmas collection! Enjoy!Arthur and Gwen sat together in their chambers, enjoying the warmth of both the fire and each other's body heat. The flames crackled as the light caster soft shadows across their room.
Arthur pressed a small kiss to Guinevere's head, and she hummed contentedly, moving closer to him.
"You know," Arthur spoke quietly. "I never could have imagined how happy I'd be with you by my side." He ran his fingers through her curly hair, and she smiled up at him. "You make my life brighter, Guinevere. You hold all of my love."
"I hope not." Gwen murmured, a mischievous smile creeping across her face. Arthur furrowed his brow, facing his wife. "After all, our child is going to need some of your love." Arthur's jaw dropped as he processed her words.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
Gwen nodded. "You're going to be a father, Arthur."
Arthur's shout of joy could be heard even from the physician's chambers, where Merlin smiled.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...