A/N: Sup y'all! This is just an AU oneshot! I found a similar idea on fanfic.net, so now I'm making it my own!
Setting: Takes place in the beginning of series 3
Description: Merlin reveals his magic in order to save Arthur and the king. What Uther does in response may change the fate of Camelot.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin or it's characters.
Uther groaned from his spot on the ground, giving Arthur a worried glance. The prince was slumped on the ground, unconscious. The sorcerer who had attacked them grinned, his eyes flashing gold as he muttered another spell. A dagger appeared in front of Uther, making the king yelp in surprise.
"I'm going make you pay for what you've done to my kind." The sorcerer spat. "First you, then your son, then all of Camelot."
"Stop!" The sorcerer nearly jumped when a young boy came rushing forward. "This isn't the way." Merlin said, holding his hands out to show he had now weapon. The sorcerer merely quirked an eyebrow.
"What will you do to stop me, boy?" The sorcerer moved to plunge the dagger through the king's heart. Arthur, now awake, cried out at the sight. Merlin's eyes suddenly flashed gold, and with a flick of his wrist the sorcerer went flying into the wall, unconscious. Uther stared in surprise, before scrambling to his feet.
"Sorcerer!" He yelled, pointing an accusing finger at the boy. "Guards!" Merlin began to struggle as two knights grabbed hold of his arms. "I find you guilty of practicing magic." Merlin trembled as Uther spoke. "You will be burned at the stake in the morning."
"Arthur, I swear I only did it to protect you." Merlin told the prince. If he was going to die, he wanted Arthur to not hate him. The prince stared, wide eyed, before snapping back into reality.
"Father!" Arthur cried out, lunging forward. "Surely he doesn't deserve to burned!" Uther waved his hand, and another knight moved to restrain the prince. "He just saved your life!"
"My judgment if final." The men holding Merlin began to drag him away to the cells.
"Father, if you do this, I will never forgive you!" Arthur's pleas continued, and Uther turned glare at his son.
"Clearly you have been enchanted by this boy. You will be kept in the cells until after the execution." Another knight rushed forward to grab the distraught prince.
"No!" Arthur pulled against his captors. He was going to lose his best friend.
Morgana quietly walked to the cell Merlin was being held in. The boy was sitting in the corner, his eyes red from crying.
"Merlin." Morgana whispered. He refused to turn to her. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. No matter what you've done, no one deserves to to go by burning." Still, Merlin said nothing, his head turned to the wall. Morgana sighed, and began to walk away.
"Wait." Merlin croaked. "I know you hate me, but I have one request. Please take care of Arthur for me." Morgana hesitated, then nodded. Merlin sighed in relief, resting his head on the stone wall.
Arthur peered out the window of his cell as drums pounded. Merlin was being marched into the yard by knights, his shackles clanging. Gwen was off to the side, sobbing into Gaius's arms. Wordlessly, the king's men secured Merlin to the pillar while tears ran down the young man's cheeks. Morgana was at her window, her eyes averted from the horror that was about to occur.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...