A/N: Crack (sorta) I guess? Dunno, it's just really random. Also a brief mention of Freylin, just because I couldn't help myself.
Setting: During series 4 (post a Servant of Two Masters).
Description: Merlin is replaced by an imposter, meant to take down Camelot from the inside. But the imposter is a terrible actor.
Disclaimer: I only own the horrible plot.
Merlin really had to stop getting himself into these situations. He glared at the sorcerer before him, tugging at the chains the held his arms in place.
"-and Arthur Pendragon will bow before me." The sorcerer finished his whole I-will-kill-Arthur-Pendragon-for-what-he's-done-to-my-kind spiel. Merlin rolled his eyes, barely hiding a snort. The sorcerer raised an eyebrow at the action, clearly wanting an explanation.
"It's just that... this whole 'impersonate me to get close to Arthur' plan." Merlin began slowly. "Arthur would never fall for it." The sorcerer's confident expression faltered for a moment, and Merlin resisted the urge to smile.
"And why is that?" The sorcerer asked.
Merlin had the best idea ever in that moment. "Because I'm the model servant." He said confidently. If Arthur had been there, he would have probably had a stroke at the pure and utter wrongness of the words. "One slip up, and they'll know you're not me." The nameless sorcerer considered this, and Merlin practically shook from the effort of not laughing.
"I'm sure I can pretend to be a 'model servant' as you put it." The sorcerer finally said. He began to chant, and Merlin gasped at the uncomfortable feeling in his gut. Not a moment later, the chanting stopped, and Merlin was standing there. Well, not Merlin. "I'm off to Camelot." The sorcerer said in Merlin's voice. "Once Arthur is dead, I will come back and kill you." The sorcerer left, and Merlin couldn't control himself any longer. He burst out laughing, his entire body shaking. His eyes went gold, and the shackles sprung off his wrists. Merlin examined the room he was in, and decided to get comfortable.
This guy was going to be dead within the week.
Not-Merlin walked into the king's chambers, the light from the sunrise streaming through the closed curtains. He cleared his throat, waiting patiently for the king to wake up. Not-Merlin did his best to hide his irritation as Arthur remained unresponsive.
"Sire?" He said quietly. Arthur groaned, rolling over in his bed. He peaked one eye open, glancing at Not-Merlin. "Good morning, sire! I have your things in order for the day." The fake manservant forced cheerfulness into his tone.
Arthur regarded him suspiciously. "Are you hiding something, Merlin?"
Not-Merlin feigned shock. "I could never hide anything from your sharp mind, sire." He had to admit, he was laying it on a little thick.
Arthur searched his manservant's face for any sign of falsity, but found none. "Yes... well, I suppose making you spend time with George did you some good." Not-Merlin had no idea what that meant, so he just smiled and nodded. But the smile became genuine as he realized he was already succeeding in his plan.
The knights sparred with each other, sweating from the midday heat. The training ground smelled of sweaty men and the sound clashing swords rang in Not-Merlin's head. He sighed as training came to an end, glad to have a chance to get away from all the chaos. One of the knights meandered over to him, a grin plastered on his face.

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...