Happy New Year everyone!
Q: What's your favorite (specific) genre to write?
A: Definitely fantasy. I've always enjoyed being able to build my own world from scratch, from the lore to something as simple as anatomy, I love creating my own rules for the story I'm writing.Q: Do you plan on writing more Freylin?
A: Heck yeahQ: What is your favorite episode of Merlin?
A: That's a tough one! I think either 3x06 (Gwaine) because, well, it's Gwaine; or maybe 4x06 (A Servant of Two Masters) because it holds so many wonderful things in it- including angst (which you all know I'm a sucker for), fluff and friendship, and of course, comedy.Q: Who is your favorite character?
A: I love all my babies- except for Agravaine and Uther, they can go rot. But, if I had to pick a specific character, I'd say... Merlin, just because I'm unoriginal. Though, I love all of them fairly equally.Q: How's life?
A: A little rough, a little crazy, to be honest. But, I'm getting through it. Writing on here is actually one of my outlets when I'm feeling particularly stressed, and all of your guys' compliments help me so much.Q: How often do you watch Merlin?
A: I haven't watched it in two months or so, but when I do watch it, I'll sit down and binge to no end!Q: Do you like musicals?
A: So, so very much.Q: What's your favorite color?
A: Probably dark blue/black because I'm edgy like thatQ: What's your favorite food?
A: I honestly will eat just about anything, but you can't go wrong with a good burrito bowl from Chipoltle. Or any Mexican food, really.Q: Do you like to read?
A: You have no idea, darling. I probably own 500 books that I've collected over the past couple years, and I've read all of them. I also have read all the good book at my local library, so there's that too.Q: What is your favorite TV show (besides Merlin)?
A: That's a tough one. I can't pick one, so here I go: The Flash, Voltron, (HTTYD) Race to the Edge, Transformers Prime, Arrow, Young Justice, Ultimate Spider-Man, The Dragon Prince... as you can see, despite my age, I'm a fan of cartoons. There are serval others that I'm probably missing, too.Q: What inspires you to write (in general)?
A: Writing is one of the few things in my life that I can control, and it helps me release any overwhelming emotions that I have. And, almost anything around me can be inspiring depending on the moment! I always am coming up with new ideas when I read other people's stories, or even just going about my day!Q: Do you think you've developed a method of writing? (And can you explain your method?)
A: I honestly don't really have a method. Usually, a story idea grabs me by the ankles and drags me into the darkness until I write it.
Sometimes, I plan it out on paper, other times, I say "this would be neat!" and dive head first into the idea. And occasionally, I will write it out of order, coming up with the most climactic scene first, then working around that.
But, I definitely don't have a solid method down.Q: Will there be more Freylin chapters in the future?
A: Once again, heck yeah. Freylin is still my favorite ship, despite my distinct lack of it as of late.Q: Will you continue breaking my heart with these angst chapters?
A: I can't say for sure, but it's a fairly solid yes. :)Q: You said I could do a riddle so here I go
Riddle one: What's so fragile that when you say it's name it breaks?
A: Silence.
Riddle Two: I have no voice yet I speak to you, I tell of all the things in the world that people do. I have leaves, but I am not a tree. I have pages but I am not a bride. I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door. I have told you all, and I cannot tell you more. What am I?
A: Is it a book? Because if it's not that I have no friggin clue my dude. Great riddles though!Q: How did you get into Merlin?
A: I actually did not watch Merlin for the first time until early 2018, long after it was over, and had only started it because I heard so much about it on the internet. The internet had spoiled the ending for me, so getting into the show, I told myself that I would not get too attached to Arthur.
By the end of season one, I was doing pretty well with that. He was a good character, but my mind was set. By season two, I was beginning to cave. By the end of season two, I liked Arthur. By the end of season three, I loved Arthur. By the end of season four, I knew I was completely and utterly screwed. By season five, I was sobbing.
So that was fun.Q: Favorite song?
A: It varies from moment to moment, but right now I'm currently obsessed with
Castle by Hasley. But I have a lot of songs that I love to listen to.I'd also like to take this chance to thank all of you guys for all of the support you give me. You have no idea just how much your comments and votes make my day. Whenever I'm unable to find the motivation to write, I just scroll through the comments and it helps every time without fail.
I love all of you guys so much! Thank you for everything!With love,

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...