A/N: Honestly I'm so sorry for all these short ones right in a row.
To say Camelot was stressful in the winter was an understatement.
The cold air made both patrols and training miserable for the king and his knights (and the poor, innocent manservant who was forced to tag along). Sickness raged throughout the lower town and castle alike, and Gaius had to work overtime to help the throngs of people that would come knocking on his door (and the physician's assistant, who was making medicine deliveries late into the night). Every dignitary that came through needed to be tended to, and most of them demanded constant warmth from their servant (who usually had many other jobs to do).
Everyone was busy in Camelot.
Especially Merlin.
But he didn't complain. He worked himself into the ground without making a single sound, and did not go unnoticed.
So when Merlin sneezed a few more times than normal, Arthur suddenly felt the need to cancel training, and instead demanded Merlin spend the afternoon with him and the knights of the round table indoors.
And when Merlin would come home late at night, Gaius made sure to have a hot meal ready on the table.
And when a noble got a little too rough with Merlin, a few certain knights would make an appearance at his room late that night. It would be the next morning when the noble would come rushing to Arthur, saying that they had business to attend to, far, far away from Camelot. Arthur never did anything to deter them from leaving.
And when Merlin finally had reached his limit, falling asleep in the middle of polishing swords in the armory, Arthur. Gwen, and the knights would take shifts guarding the door to make sure no one disturbed the sleeping manservant.
Because if anyone deserved to be taken care of, it was Merlin.
Ok, so I originally was going to make this a "Merlin uses his magic and makes everyone's day a little better" but screw that. Merlin has been through too much and he honestly just needs to be protected. #givemerlinabreak2kforever

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...