A/N: Part two for the last one!
Another year gone by, another year spent alone.
Yes, Merlin could meet people, but it had become too painful to lose someone he loved to time.
That was what hurt most about Christmas. Holidays were meant to be spent with the ones you cared about. But Merlin had no one left.
A shaky sigh escaped his lips as Merlin straightened his shoulders, walking down the icy side walk. He was glad he decided not to appear as Dragoon today. The cold weather always made his old joints ache.
Merlin allowed his thoughts to wander as he neared his home by the lake. A part of him wished that destiny would jut allow him to die, to be able to join Arthur and the others. But he knew from experience that destiny had no such plans.
He blew out a huff of air as he reached his home. Placing his hand on the door, his eyes flashed gold, and the lock clicked.
No keys needed.
A burst of warm air hit Merlin in the face, and when he walked inside, he felt the warmth seep back into his body.
Moving on autopilot, the warlock walked through his home, and into his living room, which was currently converted into an art studio.
Merlin had picked up many skills over the years: cooking, sewing, even combat. Merlin could take any man with one hand behind his back, magic or no magic. But his favorite skill to use was painting.
His walls were decorated with scenes from Camelot, and Merlin made most of his living off of selling his art.
Merlin's eyes settled on the half finished painting in his living room. The background was one Merlin had painted many times- the castle courtyard. Seven figures stood together in front of it, their faces blurry.
With a sigh, Merlin picked up his brush, dipping it into the paint.
He began with Lancelot. Then Elyan, then Leon, Percival, and Gwaine. Gwen was next, and Merlin smiled as he painted the cheerful grin he knew so well.
Finally, it was time for Arthur. Merlin swallowed, his hand shaking. He closed his eyes, pressing on. The painting seemed to come to life as Merlin allowed himself to become immersed in his work.
Until a voice broke through.
"You know, it's not safe to leave your door open, Merlin."
To be continued

Merlin One Shots
Fanfiction***Requests are currently closed!*** A series of one shots, headcannons, and drabbles by yours truly! It will include: Fluff Gwaine Freylin Angst Ships Freylin Gwaine's hair Freylin And crack THERES GONNA BE A HECK-TON OF FREYLIN OK? I hope you like...